Friday, January 15, 2021

The Period of Preparation for the coming of the Messiah and the Period of Preparation for the Second coming of the Messiah

Section VI

The Period of Preparation for the coming of the Messiah and the Period of Preparation for the Second coming of the Messiah

The Israelites received Jesus only after the 400-year period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah, after their return to Jerusalem from Babylon. Therefore, in order to restore this by indemnity, Christians also can receive the Lord of the Second Advent only after the 400-year period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah, which began with the Pope's return to Rome from his life of captivity in Avignon.

The vertical condition of indemnity for the 4000-year history of the providence of restoration since Adam, in which the providence to restore the foundation of faith through the 40-day period of separation from Satan was prolonged again and again by continual invasion of Satan, was to be restored by indemnity horizontally in this final period of providential history. For this, there came the period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, in order to restore this period, by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, there must be the period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah in which to restore by indemnity, horizontally, in this final period of providential history, the vertical condition of indemnity for the 6000-year history of the providence of restoration since Adam.

The Israelites, who had returned from their captivity in Babylon, were restoring the foundation of faith by erecting the temple destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar and by studying the law, thus arousing the movement of reformation in their faith under the guidance of the prophet Malachi, in repentance of their past sin of having worshipped evil spirits. Likewise, the medieval Christians after the pope's return to Rome were restoring the foundation of faith by arousing the movement of religious reformation centering on Luther, and by pioneering a new way of faith, according to the light of the gospel, breaking through the gloom of the medieval Dark Ages.

The period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah was the period in which to restore by indemnity as the image time-identity, the approximately 40 years of preparation period, from the time of Jacob's return from Haran to Canaan until his entering into Egypt. The period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah is the period in which to restore this period by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity.

Accordingly, all the Christians of this age had to walk the way of many hardships and tribulations, just like Jacob's family until they met Joseph in Egypt, or the Israelites until they met Jesus. Since the providential age of restoration was the age in which to set up the faith toward God by the external conditions of the Law and offerings, the First Israel, in the period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah, walked the way of external tribulations under the rule of the Gentile nations such as Persia, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and Rome. However, since the providential age of the prolongation of restoration was the period in which to set up faith toward God by the internal conditions of prayer and faith centering on Jesus' words, the Second Israel, in the period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah, had to walk the way of internal tribulations. In this period, as a result of humanism, which was the leading ideology of Renaissance (the ideology of Enlightenment following it), and the freedom of faith propagated after the Religious Reformation, religion and ideology experienced a great chaos. Also, the Christians had to suffer unspeakable internal trials.

Thus, in order to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the 400-year period of preparation for the coming of the Messiah, the 400-year period of preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah came about. Let us here study how the background and environment were formed in each of the two periods which were the preparation periods to receive the Messiah.

At the time of the first coming of the Messiah, God sent the prophet Malachi to His chosen nation 430 years in advance, having him prophesy the coming of the Messiah. He reformed Judaism, preparing Israel as the chosen nation to receive the Messiah. Meanwhile, among the Gentiles, at about the same time, God had Gautama Buddha of India (565-485 B.C.) pioneer a new base for Buddhism by improving Hinduism, and had Socrates of Greece (470-399 B.C.) pioneer the period of Hellenic culture. In the Orient, He had Confucius (552-479 B.C.) set up human ethics and morality through Confucianism, thus having them establish the culture and religion suitable for the place and people in order that they may make necessary spiritual preparation to receive the coming Messiah. Jesus, coming on the prepared basis, intended to unify all the regions of various religions and cultures into one sphere of Christian culture by absorbing and winning over Judaism, Hellenism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and all the rest of the religions.

The period of the Renaissance occurred in order to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the period of making the environment which God provided to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, when his coming was imminent. Therefore, the period of the Renaissance served to establish the background and environment of the period for the Second Coming of the Messiah. Accordingly, the rapid progress in politics, economy, culture, science and all other aspects of human endeavor as we see today began abruptly in the period of the Renaissance. This progress developed the background and environment of the period so that we may today receive the Messiah. In Jesus' day, the vast political territory formed around the Mediterranean Sea by the rise of the Roman Empire with its ease of communication in any direction and the vast cultural territory formed centering on the hellenic language could establish the level foundation on which to be able to expand rapidly the ideas of the Messiah--from Israel centering on Christ, to Rome centering on Israel, and then to the world centering on Rome.

Likewise, since today is the day of the Second Coming, the democratic political sphere, based on freedom, is covering almost every corner of the earth with the rise of the great powers. The distance between East and West is extremely shortened owing to the rapid progress in transportation and communication, and due to the free interchange of languages and cultures, the ideology for the Second Advent of the Messiah can freely and swiftly flow into the hearts of all mankind. All these are the level territory perfectly provided by God. There is no question of this becoming the best foundation on which to make the truth and ideology of the Messiah worldwide within the shortest possible time by rapidly spreading it, when the Lord of the Second Advent comes.

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