True Parents God’s Original Design
Last time the King gave me an opportunity to speak. I spoke about the
reality of the spiritual world.
is an important topic because science today only acknowledges half of God’s
creation. There is a whole other half of God’s creation, which science does not
recognize and try to tell us that is part of our imagination.
The reality is that, we ourselves are created beings.
says that reality is only, what can be observed with our five physical senses,
but actually, when God create the world, He did not just give us only five
senses, He gave us 10 senses; 5 physical senses and 5 spiritual senses. The reason why we are not able to use freely
today those 5 spiritual senses, because the world is in a state of sin; In
other words it is cut from God; there is a separation between the physical word
and the spiritual world.
For example, the passing from the physical world to the spiritual world
is a very tragic situation for us today. However, as I explained last time,
this would not be so, if this world did not have sin because we would still be
able to freely, communicate with our ancestors, with our brothers and sisters
for anybody who is in this world and everybody and anyone who ever lived.
who is ever conceived in the womb even if were aborted, even if were killed
before could be born is alive in the spiritual world. In other words when I say
alive it meant they exist.
life and death now is a matter if we are connected to God, who is the source of
all life, as I explained last time.
in the Bible New Testament, Jesus talk about different kinds of life, when one
of his disciples as him to let go bury his father; and Jesus reply, “Let the
dead bury the dead”. The disciple father was dead physically and Jesus said let
the “Let the dead bury the dead” so in other words the people who were burying
him were also dead because they were in sin, they were not connected to God who
is the source of all life.
God also gave us five spiritual senses that we currently we are not able
to use due to the fall. The separation of humanity from God. If we had not
fallen, we could freely communicate with God and with the spiritual world where
all the people who previously lived on earth live.
Adam and Eve had obeyed God's Commandment and not fallen, the five physical and
five spiritual senses would have developed in perfect harmony with God and with
each other, which was God's plan.
Today I will talk about True Parents
I want to talk about True Parents. True Parents is a term that may be unique to
the teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church and the
Sanctuary Church.
talking about True Parents, we need to go back to God’s Original Ideal of
Creation. This phrase, if you look through Rev. Moon’s speeches and his
teachings, the Original Ideal of Creation is the one phrases that will come up
most often. It is because this is what his work is all about; this is what our
work is all about, this is what actually God’s work has been all about ever
since Adam and Eve fell and brought sin into the world.
Even before that when God created, He had a certain Ideal. There was an
Ideal of Creation. He just did not create randomly. There was a plan and there
was an Ideal.
had an ideal for his creation from the beginning and that has not been realized
until now. It was designed to be realized in the generation of Adam and Eve,
but something happen during that generation, which kept it from being realized.
has worked these six thousand biblical years; years according to the bible in
actuality; I do not know how many it is. These hundreds thousands years,
something like that, meaning the time human beings have been alive on the
earth, all of every minutes and seconds of these many thousands of years, God
has been working to bring His Original ideal of Creation, and also in talking
about True Parents.
we want to go back to that original Ideal of Creation and find out what was
someone ask me, what is God’s will? Well God’s will is to realize the Original
Ideal of Creation.
What is the Original Ideal of Creation?
bible gives this explanation in Genesis 1 28.
verse may appear more often in any other verses in our teaching in the
Unification Church’s theology.
Let us read it together:
Genesis 1 28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the
are the Three Great Blessings, that God gave to Adam and Eve, be fruitful,
multiply and have dominion over the earth.
So what did it mean to be fruitful?
it mean for Adam and Eve to grow to maturity. God did not create Adam and Eve
in a mature state. He created them as infants. It was their responsibility to
grow their characters to maturity.
other beings in the universe, every animal, every plant will grow; they grow
according a design that God has already put into their DNA. They do not get to
say, “Oh I want to be a lawyer, I want to be a teacher, I want to be this or
that. No, a rose is always a rose and if it is a white rose, it would be a
white rose, if it is a red rose and the other ones always be a yellow rose.
human beings, we have two aspects to ourselves. We have two selves actually.
One is a physical body or a physical self, which is actually composed of a
physical mind and a physical body.
have also a spirit self, which has a spirit mind and a spirit body.
It is very important because science only deals with one half of the
human existence.
physical mind is the mind that seeks food, water and also sex and shelter; the
physical needs of human being.
the mind and the body have given and receive action here, so that the mind and
the body, one is telling the other what it should be doing. For example, if the
mind say, Oh, I want to eat and then the physical body says, ok, let us eat and
there is a eating that is going on here.
there is a spirit self, where there is a spirit mind and a spirit body. When we
die, there is actually separation between these two. The spirit self goes into
the eternal spirit world and is able to live there or exist there eternally
with God. It actually lives there, in a state of life or in a state of death,
depends on the connection with God.
I mentioned last time, in the spiritual world we breath love, like we
breath air here on this earth.
you go to the spiritual world without having the capacity to give and receive
love, you are going to have a difficult time and that will be called hell.
Imagine if you cannot breathe air here in this world. Well, imagine not being
able to breathe love in the spiritual world. That is how people will be living.
has created our physical self, our physical body so it will grow just like
others aspects of creation. It will grow to maturity. You know, we will give a
child food and water, air and the physical body will grow.
the character will grow or not is another story isn’t it? This does not grow
automatically. Character does not grow automatically. Our spirit, we do not
spiritually mature automatically. There is effort that has to go into that to
develop our character to become spiritually mature.
Original Design was that we would receive the word of God and God’s love and
the spirit self and then in other words in the spirit mind. This would have a
give and receive action with the spirit body.
also will provide life elements to the physical self, and the physical self
will then practice God’s words, God’s love in our lives, living for the sake of
others, loving other, living for the sake of others.
we do that through our physical self, that returns vitality elements to the
spirit-self, then the spirit self is able to grow and over time, it grow
through three stages, from Form spirit, Life spirit and Divine spirit to becomes
completely mature, that was God’s Original Design.
Tim Elder
service January 3, 2021
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