Chapter Preparation Period for the Second Advent of the Messiah
preparation period for the Second Advent of the Messiah is the 400-year period
from the Religious Reformation of 1517 to the end of World War I in 1918. The
summary of the character of this period was already discussed in the section
comparing it with the preparation period for the coming of the Messiah viewed
from time-identity, but a more detailed study will be made here. Seen from the
viewpoint of the providence of restoration, this era is divided into three
periods: the period of religious reformation, the period of struggle between
religion and ideology, and the period of maturity for politics, economy, and
Section III
The Period of Maturity of Politics, Economy, and
Ideology (1789-1918)
struggle among religions and ideologies of the previous period resulted in the
establishment of Cain- and Abel-type views of life. Upon entering this period,
these two views of life matured in their respective directions. As they
matured, two types of worlds, one of Cain and the other of Abel, were formed
while the structure of society was arranged to have a social shape based on
these two views of life. The politics, economy, and ideology also developed to
a stage prior to their conversion into the ideal society. The period beginning
after the French Revolution through the Industrial Revolution and continuing
until the end of the First World War was the period for such providence.
1. Democracy
the previous chapter we discussed democracy from the standpoint of the
development of history. However, this discussion examined only the external circumstances
causing democracy to appear. Now let us examine the internal circumstances of
how and on which ideological tide, in the surging flow of history, today's
democracy came.
already discussed (cf. Part II, Ch. 4, Sec. VII--425), if in the period of the
United Kingdom, the spiritual kingdom centering on the pope and the substantial
kingdom centering on the king had become one, realizing the monarchic society
capable of receiving the Messiah and thus establishing the foundation to
receive the messiah, the feudalistic society would have ended at that time.
However, since this providence was a failure, this period was prolonged; the
political, religious and economic history came to develop through separate
respective courses.
power, decentralized to the local lords of the medieval feudalistic period,
began to decline after the Crusades and became more emaciated upon entering the
period of the Enlightenment, after having gone through the Renaissance and
Religious Reformation. Then, in the middle of the 17th century, the feudal
lords established unified states with many small nations as a unit; by
consolidating them under the king, they formed an absolute state with the
centralization of administrative power. This was the period of absolute monarchy
when, influenced by the idea of the "divine right of kings", the
kings were endowed with absolute power.
the social aspect, let us now examine the cause that brought about this period.
First, it was for the class of citizens united with the king to resist the
feudalistic class. Second, it was because they needed strong national identity
apart from the feudal system in order to control trade in their economic
activities, and because they needed the mercantile economic policy under strong
protection and supervision by the state for the welfare of the people.
the other hand, seen from the standpoint of the development of the history of
the providence of restoration, monarchic society on the Heavenly side should
have been realized after the feudalistic society. The popes and kings of this
age, however, failed to become one; the society on the heavenly side was not
realized. In reverse manner, the society centering on the pope turned out to be
the society of absolute monarchy on the Satanic side, following the course that
Satan had laid out in advance.
from the standpoint of the providence of restoration, let us consider the
trends of the society of absolute monarchy. Since the medieval feudalistic society
ran counter to both Hebraism and Hellenism, these two ideologies worked
together in breaking down the society and established two types of society
based on the two views of life--Cain-like and Abel-like. Likewise, the society
of absolute monarchy developed through the following course. The society of
absolute monarchy, which fettered the freedom of faith under the Christian
democracy since the Religious Reformation, went contrary to the attainment of
the purpose of the Abel-type view of life. The feudalistic system which had
still remained in that society became an obstacle to the development of the
citizen class under the leadership of the atheists and materialists and thus
also contradicted the attainment of the purpose of the Cain-type view of life.
Therefore, both of the two views of life tended to break down the society and
finally formed two types of society--one of communism and the other of
democracy based on the two types of democracy, Cain-like and Abel-like.
(1) Cain-Type Democracy
democracy grew out of the French Revolution. In order to discuss this problem,
we must first discuss the French Revolution. France in that day was in a period
which saw the expansion of the idea of Enlightenment, being led into atheism
and materialism by the Cain-type view of life. The citizens, thus influenced by
the idea of Enlightenment, were awakened to the contradiction of absolutism,
and naturally their desire to break down the remnant of the old system, still
rooted deep in the society under absolutism, attained a zenith.
in 1789, in accordance with the high tide of the idea of Enlightenment, the
citizens broke down the feudalistic ruling-class of the absolute monarchic
society and at the same time rose to advocate democracy for the freedom, equality
and liberation of the third class (citizens). This was actually the French
Revolution. As a result of this revolution, the "Declaration of the Rights
of Man" was officially announced; thus, democracy born out of the French
Revolution came about when the idea of Enlightenment, which developed into the
ideology of materialism, broke down the society of absolutism in order to set
up the Cain-type view of life, we call it the Cain-type democracy. Therefore,
Denis Diderot (1713-1784) and D'Alembert (1717-1783), the thinkers of the
French Revolution, were scholars from either the line of atheism or
we may see from the particulars of this revolution, it was true that the
democracy of France inclined toward totalitarianism rather than the equality
and freedom of individuality. In this way, the Cain-type view of life formed
the Cain-type democracy by establishing the idea of Enlightenment and thus
giving rise to the French Revolution. This completely blocked the way of man's
internal pursuit of his original nature for God, only developing externally
more and more. Once systematized into the Marxism of Germany and the Leninism
of Russia, the Cain-type view of life finally formed the communist world.
(2) Abel-Type Democracy
democracy realized in England the United States is different, even in its
origin, from the democracy that was born out of the great revolution of France.
The former was the Abel-type democracy realized by ardent Christians, who were
the fruits of the Abel-type view of life, through their victory over
absolutism, against which they had fought for the sake of their freedom of
faith. The latter was the Cain-type democracy, realized by the advocates of
atheism and materialism, who were the products of the Cain-type view of life,
through the breakdown of the society of absolutism.
us then study how the Abel-type democracy was established in England the United
States. In England, as Charles I strengthened absolutism and national religion,
many Puritans moved into other European countries or the New Continent in
search of freedom of faith. Previously, in Scotland, some of the Puritans who
had been under religious persecution passed the People's Pact, resisting the
king (1640).
in England, the Puritans, who were the nuclear members of Parliament, launched
the Puritan Revolution, centering on Cromwell (1642). Besides, as the
absolutism and strengthening of the national religion by James II were
intensified, William of Orange, his son-in-law, who was at that time Stadholder
of the Netherlands, landed in England with his army in 1688 in order to protect
the freedom of faith and civil rights and ascended the throne bloodlessly. Upon
his enthronement, William recognized the independent rights of Parliament by
approving the "Declaration of Right" reported by Parliament. This
became the basis of the constitution of England. Since this revolution was a
bloodless success, we call it the Glorious Revolution. This revolution in
England also had its cause in the endeavor by the citizens class to obtain
freedom and liberation from the class of great landowners such as the nobles
and priests, but the main cause was to obtain, through such a revolution, the
internal liberation and freedom of faith.
the Puritans, who had been suppressed under the imperial regime of absolutism
in England, went to the new continent of America in order to obtain freedom of
faith, and in 1776 they founded an independent nation there. Thus, they came to
establish American democracy. The democracy established in England and America
is called the Abel-type democracy because it was set up through revolution to
reform the society of absolutism in order to obtain freedom of faith centering
on the Abel-type view of life. In this way, the Abel-type democracy has formed
today's world of +democracy.
2. The Significance in the Principle of the Separation
of Three Powers
idea of the separation of the three powers was advocated by Montesquieu, who
was an authority in the school of the Enlightenment. The separation of powers
was to decentralize national power and prevent it from being concentrated in a
specific individual or organization as had been done in the political system
under absolutism.
this separation of the three powers was the structure of the ideal society
designed by the Heavenly side, but as it always had been with all the courses
in the providence of restoration, this also had been realized in advance by the
Satanic side, in a pseudo-form of the Principle. Let us here study what the
structure of the ideal society is like.
we have clarified in the "Principle of Creation", the world of
creation was made with the structure of a perfect man as the model. The ideal
world, consisting of perfect men, would have resembled the structure and
function of a perfect man. Just as all the organs of a human body would move
according to the command of the brain, all the organizations of the ideal world
must work under the command of God alone. Just as all the commands from the
brain would be transmitted to all the members of the body through the medium of
the peripheral nerve system centering on the spine, the commands from God must
reach the entire society, without omission, through the medium of the saints,
corresponding to the peripheral nerve system, centering on Christ, who
corresponds to the spine. Again, the peripheral nerve system centering on the
spine in the human body corresponds to the political parties of the state, so
the foundation corresponding to the political parties of an ideal society must
be performed by the saints centering on Christ.
as the lungs, heart and stomach maintain smooth give and take action without
any conflict, according to the commands of the brain which are transmitted
through the peripheral nerve system, the three organs--legislative, executive
and judiciary--of the ideal society, which correspond to the three human organs
also must be able to have a relationship of give and take action in the
Principle according to the commands of God, which are transmitted through the
saints centering on Christ, corresponding to the political parties. Just as the
limbs of the human body move for the purpose of living according to the command
of the brain, so the economic structure, corresponding to the limbs, must move
toward establishment of the purpose of ideal society according to the command
of God. Just as the liver in the human body saves nutrition for the whole body,
in the ideal society, too, there must always be a reserve for the
accomplishment of the purpose of the whole.
each of the limbs and all parts of the human body have a vertical relationship
with the brain, the horizontal relationship among the members is automatically
established, forming an inseparable organism. In the same way, since men of the
ideal society have a vertical relationship with God, the horizontal
relationship among them is automatically established, forming an organism which
shares all feelings. Therefore, in this society one cannot commit crime because
harming others results in harming oneself.
us next study how the providence of restoration has restored the social
structure. There was in the course of historical development of Western Europe
a period in which the kings shouldered all the functions of the three powers of
legislative, executive and judiciary, and of the political parties. However,
this changed into another period in which the king held the three powers and
churches centering on the pope took charge of the mission of the political
parties. The political system of this age was again divided into the three
powers--of legislative, executive and judiciary--due to the French Revolution,
and political parties came to bear a marked political mission. Thus, by
establishing the constitutional political system in democracy, they could at
least realize the pattern of the system of an ideal society.
this way, the political system has changed through the long period of history
because the society of fallen men has been restored into an ideal society which
resembles the structure and function of a perfect man, according to the
providence of restoration. In this manner, today's democratic government is
divided into three powers and produces many political parties, thus making
itself finally resemble the structure of a human body. But this is, after all,
like a fallen man who has not been restored, and naturally cannot display the
original function endowed at the creation.
is to say, the political parties, without knowing God's will, may be compared
to a peripheral nervous system centering on the spine that has lost the
function of transmitting the command of the brain. Since the constitution is
not made of God's words, the three organs of legislative, executive and
judiciary become like three organs of a human body which are rendered unable,
due to the severance of the nervous system, to feel and respond to commands
from the brain; they cannot help opposing and conflicting with one another, and
lack mutual harmony and order.
the purpose of the ideal of the Second Advent of the Messiah is to make the
present political system--resembling the structure of a fallen man--display
perfectly its original function centering on God's will by connecting it to the
perfect central nerve.
3. The Significance of the Industrial Revolution
ideal of creation will not be realized simply by forming a human society
without sin. Man, to fulfill God's blessing of dominion over all creation (Gen.
1:28), must realize a blessed social environment by finding out the principles
hidden in the created world and by developing science to the utmost degree. As
already discussed in Part I, religion and science have respectively been in
charge of overcoming the two aspects of ignorance of fallen men, one spiritual
and the other physical, thus gradually restoring the ideal society. Therefore,
at the con-summation of history, the Word that can completely remove our
spiritual ignorance must appear, while science must be so developed as to be
capable of removing completely man's ignorance of physical reality, thus
realizing a scientific society of a stage prior to the emergence of the ideal
society. Seen from this providence of God, we can understand that the
Industrial Revolution of England came from the providence of restoring the
living environment for the ideal society.
economic organization of the ideal society must also resemble the structure of
the perfect human body. Therefore, as previously mentioned, production,
distribution and consumption in that society must have an organic relationship
of give and take action, such as that among the stomach, the heart and the
lungs in the human body. Consequently, there should not be the destructive
competition for the market--caused by excessive production--nor accumulation
nor consumption that hinder the whole living-purpose by partial distribution.
Production sufficient to fill man's needs, fair distribution--neither excessive
nor insufficient--and rational consumption for the purpose of the whole must
mass production after the Industrial Revolution stimulated England to rapidly
pioneer the settlement of vast colonies as her markets and sources of supply of
raw materials. In this way, the Industrial Revolution carried out not only the
mission of restoring the external environment for the ideal society, but also that
of the internal providence of restoration by providing a vast territory for the
propagation of the gospel.
4. The strengthening of the Powers, and the Partition
of Colonies
the Renaissance, the view of life, which had matured in two types, one of Cain
and the other of Abel, aroused two respective types of political revolutions
and established two types of democracy. These two types of democracy, both
influenced by the Industrial Revolution of England, were rapidly strengthened
and finally came to form two worlds of different factions--the democratic world
and the communist world.
industrial development coming from the rapid progress of science which followed
the Industrial Revolution brought about an economic society characterized by
over-production. As a result, the grave necessity to pioneer new regions for
markets for the excessive production and of resources of industrial materials
caused great world powers to rapidly strengthen themselves in order to continue
their scramble for colonies. Thus, the currents of the two views of life (the
Cain-type and the Abel-type) and the economic development following scientific
progress finally divided the world, politically, into two worlds: the
democratic world and the communist world.
5. The Revolution of Religion, Politics and Industry
Following the Renaissance
anti-medieval movement of the restoration of Hellenism, which was of the
Cain-type, gave birth to humanism through the Renaissance. This, having
developed more on the side of Satan, evolved into the Enlightenment, which
could be regarded as a second renaissance. Then the Enlightenment, having
matured more on the Satanic side, gave birth to historical materialism, which
could be taken as the third renaissance. Finally, this matured into the
communist ideology.
the Satanic side always realized God's providence in advance, three periods of
revolution in religion, politics and industry followed. The first religious
reformation centering on Luther followed the first renaissance. In the
religious world, a new spiritual movement which became the second movement of
religious reformation rose centering around Wesley, Fox and Swedenborg, under
unspeakable persecution after the second renaissance. Therefore, seen from the
course of the development of history, it is natural that the third religious
reformation will come following the third renaissance. In fact, the state of
today's Christianity reveals an urgent need for such reformation.
the other hand, three stages of reformation have also occurred in the political
aspect. The medieval feudal society collapsed under the influence of the first
renaissance and the first religious reformation, while the absolute monarchic
society collapsed under the influence of the second renaissance and the second
religious reformation. Then, the communist society was formed by the political
revolution brought by the third renaissance. Now, through the third religious
reformation to come, the democratic world of the Heavenly side will subjugate
with ideology the communist world of the Satanic side. These two worlds will
necessarily be united into one Kingdom of heaven on earth, centering on God.
can also notice the fact that the economic reformation has also developed
through the course of three stages. The first industrial revolution originated
in England as a result of industrial development through steam. Immediately
afterward the second industrial revolution, through electricity and gasoline,
broke out in many advanced countries. Now a third industrial revolution, based
on atomic energy, will arise, and this will create throughout the world a very
blessed social environment for the ideal world. These three stages of
revolution, covering the three fields of religion, politics and industry, which
followed the three stages of Renaissance in the period of preparation for the
second advent of the Messiah, are the necessary course for the realization of
the ideal society, in accordance with the three stages of the law of
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