Chapter The Fall of Man
Section VI
The reason God did not interfere with the first human
ancestors' Fallen act
being omniscient and omnipotent, foresaw the possibility of the fallen act of
the first human ancestors. He did not lack the power to prevent Adam and Eve
from committing the act. Why, then, did God not intervene to prevent the act of
the fall when He foresaw it? This is one of the most important questions, but
has been left unsolved throughout human history. We can give the following
three points as the reasons God did not interfere with man's fallen act.
1. For the sake of the Absoluteness and Perfection of
the Principle of Creation
to the principle of creation, God created man so that, by inheriting His
creative nature, man might dominate all things even as God dominates mankind.
However, man must perfect himself by accomplishing his portion of
responsibility in order to inherit God's creative nature. We call this period
of growth the "sphere of indirect dominion", or the "sphere of
dominion over the result of the Principle". While men are in this sphere,
God does not dominate them; instead, He seeks to have them fulfill their
portion of responsibility. God is to dominate men directly only after their
perfection. If God should interfere with their acts during the growth period,
it would amount to God's ignoring man's portion of responsibility. In that
case, God Himself would be ignoring the principle of creation, in which He
exalts man as the dominator of all things by giving him a creative nature. If
the Principle should be ignored, the absoluteness and perfection of the
Principle would be lost. Since God is the Creator, both absolute and perfect,
the principle of creation which He set forth should also be absolute and
perfect. Therefore, God could not interfere with the act of the fall while men
were in the period of growth, for the sake of the absoluteness and perfection
of the principle of creation.
2. In order that God alone be the Creator
intervenes with beings or acts only within the Principle, but He does not
interfere with beings or acts outside the Principle and thus not of His
creation. Therefore, if God interferes with any such being or act, that being
or act becomes recognized as part of the Principle.
viewed from this standpoint, if God had intervened in the fallen act of the
first human ancestors, it would have meant that even the act of the fall would
have been given the value of creation, and that this sinful act would have been
recognized as part of the Principle. If so, it would have caused God to set up
a new principle which would have called for His recognizing the sinful act as
an act of the Principle. Since Satan initiated this process, this means that
Satan would have created a new principle, making himself a creator along with
God. In order that God alone be the Creator, He could not interfere with the
act of the fall.
3. In order to set up Man as the Dominator of all Things
God created
man and blessed him, and set him up to be the dominator of all things (Gen.
1:28). In order for man to dominate all things as God desired, he should have
possessed certain qualifications as a lord because he could only dominate
others from a position superior to theirs.
as God was qualified to dominate all men because He was the Creator, man had to
have the creativity of God in order to be qualified as the dominator of all
things. Therefore, God made man to perfect himself by accomplishing his own
portion of responsibility through the period of his growth, in order to qualify
him as the dominator of all things. Therefore, man should possess the qualities
of dominion that can be obtained only by perfecting himself through such a
course in the Principle, before he can dominate all things. If God directly
dominated and interfered with man in the period of his immaturity, it would
result in making him the dominator of all things when he was not yet qualified
to be a dominator, for he did not have the creativity of God, and had not
accomplished his portion of responsibility. It would be a contradiction to deal
with an immature man and a perfect man on an equal basis. More than that, this
would ignore the principle of creation which He set up in order to make man
dominator of all things by giving him even His power of creativity. Therefore,
God, who made the world according to the Principle, could not interfere with
the act of the fall of the immature man, who was still in the sphere of
indirect dominion, in order that He could later set man up in the position of
dominator over all things.
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