Providential Age for the Foundation of Restoration
Section I
The Providence of Restoration
centering on Adam's Family
We have discussed (cf. Part I, Ch. 3, Sec. II, 1--103)
the fact that God has been working to save fallen men, though the human fall
was brought about by man's own failure. God's providence to restore fallen men
by having them lay the foundation to receive the Messiah began with Adam's
As discussed in the "Introduction", Adam,
due to his blood relationship with Satan, was placed in the midway position
where he could deal with either God or Satan. Therefore, in order that fallen
man of the midway position might be separated and shifted from Satan to the
Heavenly side to lay the foundation to receive the Messiah, he must himself set
up certain conditions of indemnity. Consequently, Adam's family should have set
up the condition of indemnity to restore the foundation of faith and the
foundation of substance (incarnation), and, on the foundation to receive the
Messiah automatically laid by the previous two, should have finally received
the Messiah before the providence of restoration could be realized.
1. The Foundation of
First, in order that the foundation of faith may be
laid, there must be certain conditional objects as the price of restoring it
through indemnity. Originally, Adam, due to his disbelief, lost God's Word given
as the condition to lay the foundation of faith. Consequently, in order for
Adam, who fell into a position where he was unable to receive God's Word
directly, to restore the foundation of faith, he should have set forth certain
conditional objects acceptable to God's will in place of the Word, with an
absolute faith. This conditional object to be set forth in Adam's family in
place of the Word was the offering.
Second, there must be a central figure to restore the
foundation of faith before laying the foundation at all. The central figure to
restore the foundation of faith in Adam's family was, of course, Adam himself.
Therefore, it was natural for Adam to offer the sacrifices. His doing so
acceptably or not could decide the success or failure of laying the foundation
of faith.
The Biblical record shows that Adam could not offer
the sacrifices, but, instead, Cain and Abel did this. What must have been the
reason? According to the principle of creation, man was originally created to
deal with only one master. Therefore, God cannot work His providence in the
principle of creation with any being that is in the position to deal with two
masters. If God should accept Adam and his offering, Satan would also try to
deal with them on the basis of his having a blood relationship with Adam. In
that case, Adam would be placed in the non-principled position to have to deal
with two masters, God and Satan. God, not being able to work such a
non-principled providence, had to conduct the providence of dividing Adam, the
origin of the two characters of good and evil, into two beings; namely, the
being representing good character and the being representing evil character.
For this purpose, God gave Adam two sons, respectively representing good and
evil. He had each offer sacrifices by setting them in the respective positions
to deal either with God or Satan; that is, He put them in the position in the
principle of creation of dealing with one master.
Then who, between Cain and Abel, the sons of the same
father, is supposed to stand in the position to deal with God as the
representation of good, and who is to stand in the position to deal with Satan
as the representation of evil? Both Cain and Abel were the fruit of Eve's fall.
Consequently, this question was to be decided according to the course of the
fall of Eve, who was the origin of the fall.
Eve's fall consisted of two kinds of illicit love
affairs. The first one was the spiritual fall through love with the archangel.
The second was the physical fall through love with Adam. Both are, of course,
the same in that they are fallen actions. However, when we want to decide which
is more aligned with the Principle and more forgivable, we must say that the
second act is more so than the first. This is because the second act of the
fall was that in which Eve had intercourse with Adam, who was going to be her
spouse in the Principle, out of her desire to go back to God's side after
realizing the illicit nature of the relationship with the archangel (cf. Part
I, Ch. 2, Sec. II, 2--77). The first act of the fall was that in which she had
the relationship with the archangel, who was not her spouse in the Principle,
out of the excessive desire to enjoy what it was not yet time for her to enjoy;
that is, to become like God, with her eyes opened (Gen. 3:5).
Cain and Abel were the fruits of Eve's illicit love.
Therefore, God had to discriminate conditionally between the two types of
illicit acts of love committed centering on Eve, and had to set up Cain and
Abel in the respective positions representing different situations. That is to
say, Cain, being the fruit of the first love, was placed in the position to
deal with Satan, as the representation of evil, symbolizing the first fallen
act of love with the archangel. Abel, being the fruit of the second love, was
placed in the position to deal with God, as the representation of good,
symbolizing the second fallen act of love with Adam.
Originally, there was a standard in the Principle
which provided that the first son succeed to the birthright. So, Satan also had
more attachment to the elder than to the younger. Besides, Satan, being in the
position of the ruler of the created world, intended to take Cain, to whom he
was more attached. Therefore, God took Abel.
Let us take an example from the Bible. God said to
Cain, "If you do not do well, sin is couching at the door." (Gen.
4:7). From this, we may understand that Cain was placed in a position to deal
with Satan. When the Israelites fled out of Egypt, God smote not only all the
first-born of the Egyptians but also of their cattle (Ex. 12:29), because they
were all in the position of Satan's objects (Cain's position). On the other
hand, when the Israelites were restored into Canaan, only the Levities, who
were in the position of the second son Abel, could carry the ark of the
covenant (Deut. 31:25). There is also a Biblical record saying that God loved
the second son Jacob and hated the first son Esau while they were still in
their mother's womb (Gen 25:23). This is because only the distinction of being
the first-born or the second justified their respective positions of Cain and
Abel. In the case of Jacob's blessing of his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh,
he blessed them by crossing his hands to lay the right hand on the head of
Ephraim, the younger son, to whom he wanted to give priority (Gen. 48:14).
This, too, is because Ephraim was in the position of Abel. According to this
principle, God had Abel and Cain offer sacrifices, having set them up
respectively in the positions where each could deal with only one master, either
God or Satan (Gen. 4:3-5).
God accepted Abel's offering and rejected Cain's. What
must have been the reason? God accepted Abel's offering (Gen. 4:4) because he
offered the sacrifice acceptable to God's will through good faith, in the
objective position from which God could take it (Heb. 11:4). In this way, the
foundation of faith to be set up in Adam's family was laid. This was also to
teach that God is ready to accept any man, though fallen, if a favorable
condition is formed enabling God to take him. It was not because God really
hated Cain that He rejected Cain's offering. It was because God could not
accept his offering unless Cain himself set up a certain condition justifying
the acceptance of the offering, for Cain was placed in a position in which he could
be taken by Satan.
By this example, God showed us that, in order for a
man in the position of object to Satan to return to God's side, he must set up
a certain condition of indemnity. What kind of condition of indemnity should
Cain have set up? This was the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen
nature which we will discuss in detail later.
2. The Foundation of
In order for Adam's family to lay the foundation of
substance, Cain would have had to set up the "condition of indemnity to
remove the fallen nature" so that God might be able to accept this
offering with joy. How then should he have to set up the condition of indemnity
to remove the fallen nature?
The first human ancestors fell through the archangel,
thus inheriting his fallen nature. Therefore, in order for fallen man to remove
the fallen nature, he should have set up the condition of indemnity, according
to the principle of restoration through indemnity, by taking a course in
reverse to the way he obtained the fallen nature.
The archangel fell by failing to love Adam, whom God
loved more. Therefore, the fallen nature of not taking the same position with
God, came about. Consequently, in order to remove the fallen nature, Cain, who
was in the position of the archangel, should have loved Abel, who was in the
position of Adam, thus taking the same position with God. Next, the archangel
fell because he failed to receive God's love through Adam, who was closer to
God, as the mediator. The archangel intended to take Adam's position instead.
Therefore, the fallen nature of not keeping one's position came about.
Consequently, in order to remove this fallen nature, Cain, who was in the
position of the archangel, should have taken the position to receive God's love
through Abel, who was in the position of Adam, as the mediator, so that he
might be able to keep his position.
Then, the archangel fell by his domination of Adam and
Eve, who were supposed to dominate him. Therefore, the fallen nature of
reversing domination came about. Consequently, in order for man to remove this
fallen nature, Cain, who was in the position of the archangel, should have set
up the law and system of domination by standing in the place to obey Abel, who
was in the position of Adam, and to be dominated by him.
The will of goodness that man should not eat the fruit
of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil should have been conveyed to God
by Adam, by Adam to Eve, and by Eve to the archangel, thus multiplying
goodness. However, on the contrary, the archangel conveyed to Eve the will of
unrighteousness that the fruit could be taken and eaten, then Eve conveyed this
to Adam, thus causing the human fall. Therefore, the fallen nature of
multiplying sins came about. In order to remove this type of fallen nature,
Cain, who was in the position of the archangel, should have established the
position to multiply goodness by standing in the position relative to Abel, who
was closer to God than himself, and by receiving the will of goodness through
Now, let us draw several examples corresponding to the
offerings of Cain and Abel. In our individual body, our mind, which directs us
toward goodness (Rom. 7:22) is in the position of Abel, while our body, tending
to serve the law of sin (Rom. 7:25), is in the position of Cain. Consequently,
only when our body obeys our mind's command will our individual body be made
good. However, in reality, our body always rebels against the command of our
mind, thus repeating the same action in which Cain killed Abel. Therefore, our
individual body becomes bad. Accordingly, life in religion may be called life
to make our body obey our mind, directed toward the will of God,just as Cain
should have obeyed Abel. Besides, man fell to the position of being deceitful
above all things (Jer. 17:9); so he was supposed to go before God only through
the created things, by setting these things in the position of Abel. This was
the "offering". Man's tendency to look for good leaders and good
friends, seen from the result, is derived from the desire of the divine mind to
stand before God, by finding one who is in the position of Abel closer to God
and by becoming one with him.
Christian faith teaches us to be gentle and humble so
we may secure a position before God by finding in our daily life an Abel-type
person, through these virtues. Starting from the individual to the family, the
society, the race, the nation, and the world, there are always two types of
persons; namely, Cain-type and Abel-type. Therefore, in order to restore all
these to the original position of creation, the Cain-type person must obey and
surrender to the Abel-type person. Jesus came to the world as the Abel whom the
whole of mankind was to serve and obey. Therefore, he said, "...no one
comes to the Father, but by me." (John 14:6).
If Adam's family had succeeded in setting up the
condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature through Cain's obedience to
Abel, they could have set up the foundation of substance on the foundation of
faith already established. They could thus have restored the four position
foundation, originally designed at the creation, by receiving the Messiah on
the family-level foundation to receive the Messiah. However, Cain killed Abel,
repeating the original fallen nature through which the archangel caused man to
fall, and thus Adam's family failed to set up the foundation of substance which
was to be established then. Consequently, the providence of restoration
centering on Adam's family ended in failure.
3. The Foundation to
receive the Messiah in Adam's Family
The foundation to receive the Messiah is realized by
establishing the foundation of substance on the basis of having restored
through indemnity the foundation of faith. From the standpoint of offering
sacrifices, the foundation of faith is to be restored by acceptably making the
symbolic offering, and the foundation of substance is to be realized by
acceptably offering the substantial offering. Let us then inquire into the
meaning and purpose of the symbolic offering and the substantial offering.
God's three great blessings to man, the purpose of His
creation, were to be realized when Adam and Eve, after having perfected their
respective individualities, would become husband and wife, then multiply their
children to form a family, and, further, they would come to rule the whole of
creation. However, due to the fall, the three great blessings were not
realized. In order to restore this, we must follow the course in reverse and
establish the foundation of faith by offering the symbolic sacrifices through
which both the condition of indemnity to restore the created things and the
symbolic condition of indemnity to restore man can be set up at the same time.
Next, we must lay the foundation to receive the
Messiah, after having set up the foundation of substance by offering the
substantial sacrifices, which can be set up at the same time as the condition
of indemnity to restore the children, and on this basis to restore the parents.
Therefore, we may consider the meaning and purpose of the symbolic offering
As we have discussed in the chapter on the "Fall
of Man", Satan, who came to dominate fallen men, has also dominated all
things which were supposed to be under man's dominion. It is for that reason
that the Bible says all things are in travail together (Rom. 8:22). Therefore,
the first purpose to give symbolic offerings with created things is to set up
the condition of indemnity to restore all things, which are the symbolic
substantial objects of God. Then, in order for man, who became deceitful above
all things due to the fall (Jer. 17:9), to go before God, he must go through
the created things, which are closer to God than himself, according to the
order in the principle of creation. Accordingly, the second purpose for making
symbolic offerings is to set up the symbolic condition of indemnity in order to
restore substantial men before God.
Next, the substantial offering is an offering of the
internal type; so, it is to be realized only on the basis of having acceptably
made the symbolic offering of the external type, following the pattern of
creating all things first and man afterwards. Therefore, we must first make the
symbolic offering in an acceptable manner, thus setting up the condition of
indemnity to restore all things, and the symbolic condition of indemnity to
restore man at the same time. On that basis we must make the substantial
offerings as the condition of indemnity to restore man substantially.
Substantial offering means to set up the condition of indemnity to remove the
fallen nature in order to restore substantial man. If a Cain-type person should
set up the condition of indemnity to restore children by making the substantial
offering with the Abel-type person, this will also be reckoned as the condition
of indemnity to restore parents, which will be elucidated; so, this substantial
offering will become an acceptable one.
In order for Adam's family to set up the foundation to
receive the Messiah, Adam himself must first lay the foundation of faith
through the symbolic offering. As noted above, the offering did not begin with
Adam, because if Adam should offer the sacrifices, the offering would be for
both God and Satan to deal with, so it would be in a non-principled position.
Besides, there is another reason from the aspect of feeling and heart. The
fallen Adam in fact was the very person who caused God the grief which will
last thousands of generations. Therefore, Adam could never be the object of
God's heart, with whom God could directly deal in His providence of
Therefore, God had the second son Abel offer symbolic
sacrifices instead of Adam. Thus the condition of indemnity to restore all
things and the symbolic condition of indemnity to restore men were set up at
the same time. Then, on this basis, if Cain and Abel had set up the condition
of indemnity to restore children through the substantial offering, Adam, as the
parent, would have stood on this foundation of substance and thus the
foundation to receive the Messiah could have been realized at that time.
In order to offer the substantial sacrifices by
setting up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature, the central
figure to offer the sacrifice should be decided first. Therefore, we must
understand the Abel's symbolic offering had two purposes: first, to set up the
foundation of faith in place of Adam; and second, to decide on Abel as the
central figure to make the substantial offering.
The condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature
was to be set up by Cain, and we must know how this could result in Adam's family
setting up the condition in its entirety. If the human ancestors had obeyed
God's words, God's will could have been realized at that time; and, if the
Jewish people had believed in Jesus, the will of Jesus could have been realized
in his lifetime. In this case, too, if Cain had set up the condition of
indemnity to remove the fallen nature by obeying Abel, both Cain and Abel could
have stood in the position of having established the condition of indemnity to
remove the fallen nature while they were children. Since Cain and Abel were
substantial beings derived from the division of Adam, who was the source of
good and evil, Adam, as the parent, could have stood on the foundation of
substance of having separated from Satan, if they had separated from Satan by
setting up the condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature. Then, the
foundation to receive the Messiah could have been laid in Adam's family. In
this manner, the condition of indemnity to restore the parents could be set up
through the symbolic offering and substantial offering.
Meanwhile, Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice. Thus,
the condition to restore through indemnity the foundation of faith, centering
on Adam, and the position of Abel as the central figure to offer the
substantial offering were set up successfully. However, by Cain's killing Abel,
they fell again into the same state as the archangel and Eve when they fell.
Therefore, the substantial offering was a failure. They could not set up the
condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature. Thus, they also failed to
lay the foundation of substance. This prevented them from establishing the
foundation to receive the Messiah. Therefore, the providence of restoration
centering on Adam's family came to naught.
4. The lessons learned
from Adam's Family
First, the failure of the providence of restoration
centering on Adam's family showed us God's predestination for the
accomplishment of the will and His attitude toward man's portion of
responsibility. Originally, God's predestination of the will was supposed to be
realized only when His portion of responsibility and man's portion of
responsibility could be combined. God could not instruct Cain and Abel on how
to offer sacrifices because Cain's decision whether or not to offer sacrifices
through Abel was his portion of responsibility.
Second, after Cain killed Abel, God worked His
providence through Seth. This showed us that God's predestination for the will
is an absolute one whereas His predestination for man to carry out the will is
relative. God so predestined that, corresponding to His portion of
responsibility, Abel should accomplish his own portion of responsibility and,
thus, become the central figure for the substantial offering. Therefore, when
Abel failed to accomplish his portion of responsibility, God, by setting up
Seth in his place, intended to carry out the will, which was predestined as
Third, the offerings of Cain and Abel showed us that
any fallen man can accomplish God's will when he can find an Abel-type person
and obey him in complete surrender.
Meanwhile, the providence identical to that which God
intended to fulfill in Adam's family has been repeated ever since due to the
repeated failures arising from man's disbelief. Accordingly, this persists as
our own course of indemnity today. The providence of restoration, centering on
Adam's family, is a living lesson for us, showing us the typical course to
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