Chapter Preparation Period for the Second Advent of the Messiah
4. The Third World War
(1) Is the Third World War Inevitable?
the beginning, God created the first human ancestors and blessed them to
dominate the whole world (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, God could not but allow Satan
to realize the non-principled world in the pattern of having fulfilled this
blessing, with fallen men in front. On the other hand, God, according to His
providence of restoration, has worked to take all men back to the Heavenly
side, always following Satan from behind. Therefore, at the consummation of
human history, both the Heavenly side and the Satanic side must come to
dominate the world in their respective ways. Thus, the two worlds of democracy
and communism will stand together. For the final separation and unification of
these two worlds, there should come world wars. The First and the Second World
War having been the wars to divide the world into the two worlds of democracy
and of communism, the war for the unification of these two separate worlds must
come next. This is the veritable Third World War. Therefore, the Third World
War will inevitably come. However, there are two ways for that war to be
there is the way to subjugate and unify the Satanic side by weapons. However,
the ideal world to come after unification, being that in which the whole of
mankind should rejoice, will never be realized by subjugating the enemy only
externally by the use of weapons. Therefore they must afterwards be subjugated
internally, and come to truly rejoice from the bottom of their hearts. In order
to do this, there must be an absolutely perfect ideology that is able to
satisfy the desire of man's original nature.
the second way this war may be fought is to subjugate and unify the Satanic world
directly by a wholly internal fight through ideology without any external fight
by weapons. Men are rational beings. Therefore, the world of perfect oneness
will be realized only when they are subjugated and united by reason. The
question of which kind of war will actualize one world will be decided
according to the success or failure of man's carrying out his own portion of
responsibility. Where, then, will the new world ideology necessary to establish
one world come from?
ideology that may lead the whole of mankind into one ideal world cannot be
expected to come from the communist world established by the Cain-type view of
life, for the Cain-type view of life is blocking the internal development of
man's original nature. Therefore, this ideology should come out of the
democratic world which is established by the Abel-type view of life. However,
it is a fact, historically proven, that there has not been one ideology among
the many existing in the democratic world that can subjugate the communist ideology.
this ideology must newly emerge from the democratic world. In order for this
new ideology to come out, there must appear a new truth. This new truth,
should, of course, be the foundation of the Abel-type view of life, and,
naturally, be the foundation of democracy. Just as it was with the course of
historical development in which men have pursued new truth until now, such a
new truth, when it should come, will conflict with the old ones which many
people have until now believed to be true. So, even in today's democracy,
people will be divided into two groups of the different standpoints of Cain and
Abel, fighting with each other. Nevertheless, when this new truth establishes a
victorious basis in the democratic world and further subjugates the communist
ideology, the one world under this one truth will finally be realized.
knowing in advance God's providence of giving men this new truth to unify them
under one ideology, has set forth a false ideology imitating the true one in
his attempt to unify the whole of mankind centering on himself This Satanic
"truth" is dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism attempts
to destroy any spiritual being by setting up its own rational ground. The
position of this materialism, trying to prove that there is no God, fell into a
state of self-destruction, and assumed the logic of denying the existence of
Satan himself. Moreover, Satan knows well enough that he himself will perish at
the consummation of (evil) history. Realizing his inevitable end, when he will
no longer be exalted, he rose to deny God at the risk of sacrificing himself.
This denial is actually the core of "dialectical materialism".
Therefore, the Heavenly side will never be able to escape from the attack of
Satan's theory, unless the democratic world can set forth the truth which will
subjugate his ideology. Here lies the historical ground in the providence of
restoration that the Heavenly side must proclaim the perfect and absolute
(2) Providential Summary of the Third World War
Third World War is going to be that in which God intends to restore, as the
final measure since He began the providence of restoration, the ideal world by
having the democratic world subjugate the communist world. Seen form the
viewpoint of the providence of restoration: through World War I, the Heavenly
side established a democratic foundation on the formation level with the
broadening of the political, economic territory by securing colonies all over
the world; through World War II, the territory of the democratic world was
stabilized by establishing, worldwide, the democratic foundation of the growth
level. Now, through World War III they must build the democratic foundation of
the perfection level by setting up the perfect Abel-type view of life, according
to the new truth, and on this foundation they must lead all mankind into one
the Third World War is the final war, in which the heavenly side should restore
through indemnity, horizontally, at the consummation of history, all that it
was compelled to hand over to Satan after having tried to fulfill the heavenly
will by making the three stages of prolongation in the historical course of the
providence of restoration.
(3) The Cause of the Third World War Viewed from the
Providence of Restoration
discussed above, the question of whether the Third World War is to be waged by
force of arms or by an ideological battle will be decided according to the
success or failure of man's carrying out his own portion of responsibility in
fulfilling God's providence of restoration. However, regardless of the type of
battle to be fought, there will undoubtedly be one more worldwide war.
what would be the internal cause of the Third World War, as seen form the
providence of restoration? First, it is to set up worldwide the condition of
indemnity on the perfection level to restore God's three great blessings to
man. Due to the faithlessness of the Jewish people, the providence of
restoration centering on Jesus was fulfilled only spiritually. Therefore Christ
must come again on earth to restore the world, both spiritually and physically,
in which God's three great blessings are fulfilled. Therefore Satan again
attempts to realize the non-principled world in the pattern similar to the
world which the Lord is to bring about at the time of the Second Advent.
at the close of history, there will be realized the non-principled world in the
pattern of having restored the three great blessings, centering on a personage
in the pattern of the Lord of the Second Advent on the Satanic side. Therefore,
the Heavenly side must set up, worldwide, the condition of indemnity on the
perfection level to restore the world having fulfilled the three great
blessings centering on God by subjugating that world centering on Satan. For
this purpose, there must come the Third World War.
was the actual personage in the pattern of the Lord of the Second Advent on the
Satanic side. Accordingly, Stalin, as the personage in the pattern of having
perfected his individuality on the Satanic side, fulfilled the pattern of
having multiplied children by advocating the combined efforts of the farmers,
fishermen, and laborers in resistance against the democratic world. He also
realized the pattern of dominating all things by establishing the policy of
Bolshevizing the world, thus fulfilling the pattern of the three great
blessings. Therefore, we must know that the communist world is the
non-principled world in which Satan has attempted to realize the world of
co-existence, co-prosperity, and common-cause which shall be realized in the
future, centering on God.
the Third World War will come in order to have men of the Heavenly side
overcome, worldwide, the third temptation of Jesus by Satan. Therefore,
centering on the temptation which Jesus suffered, the heavenly side must set up
the condition of indemnity to restore, worldwide, God's third blessing by
winning the victory in the Third World War. This is because just as Jesus
established the foundation to restore the dominion over all things by
overcoming the third temptation in the wilderness, the Heavenly side must
restore man's domination over the whole world of creation by winning a victory
in the Third World War.
the Third World War must come in order to establish the foundation on the
perfection level for the restoration of sovereignty. This is because the
heavenly side must realize the ideal world under the macrocosmic Principle by
destroying the communist world, and by having all the sovereignty returned to God
through victory in the Third World War.
(4) Result of the Third World War Viewed from the
Providence of Restoration
at first intended to work His providence of restoration by setting up Cain and
Abel in Adam's family. Nevertheless, due to Cain's murder of Abel, the sinful
history of mankind began. God's work of separating good and evil to restore
Adam's family by indemnity began on the individual level. After expanding
through the levels of home, tribe, society, race and nation, it has now widened
its scope to that of the worldwide level. God intends to restore by indemnity
the whole of the providential course which has been prolonged as many as three
stages by winning the victory in the three world wars, which are the final
works of the providence of restoration.
the beginning, the first human ancestors lost the heart-and-feeling toward God
by having been trapped by Satan's words of temptation, and due to the internal
spiritual fall and external physical fall they succeeded in Satan's lineage.
Therefore the providence of restoration will be fulfilled when all fallen men
are restored and succeeded in God's lineage by restoring their
heart-and-feeling towards God through His words of life, and by receiving both
spiritual and physical salvation (cf. Part II, Ch. 2, Sec. III, 3.2--363).
victory of the Heavenly side in these three World Wars will finally enable the
realization of the ideal world originally designed at the creation, which God
has tried to fulfill through the long, long period of history since the fall of
man, by completely restoring through indemnity all the foundations for the
providence of restoration.
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