Thursday, January 14, 2021

Predestination, the Fulfillment of the Will

Chapter Predestination

Section II

Predestination for the Fulfillment of the Will

As clarified in the "Principle of Creation", God's purpose of creation is to be fulfilled only by man's accomplishment of his portion of responsibility. The will for the providence of restoration, which is to fulfill this purpose, being absolute, is not for man to interfere with; however, man must accomplish his own portion of responsibility in order for the will to be accomplished. Therefore, God's purpose of creation was to be fulfilled only through man's accomplishing his portion of responsibility by not eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 2:17).

Accordingly, even in accomplishing the purpose of the providence of restoration, the will can be fulfilled only through the accomplishment of man's responsibility by the central figure in charge of the mission. In Jesus' day, the people should have believed in Jesus absolutely, in order that he might accomplish the purpose of the providence of salvation. But due to their disbelief, they could not accomplish their portion of responsibility, and naturally, the accomplishment of the will had to be postponed to the day of the Second Advent.

Then, to what degree and to what extent would God predetermine the accomplishment of the will? As mentioned, God's will to accomplish the purpose of the providence of restoration is absolute, but the accomplishment of the will is relative. So, it is predetermined that the will is to be accomplished, but only through God's 95 percent responsibility and man's 5 percent responsibility combined. Indicating the proportion of man's responsibility as 5 percent is only to say that man's responsibility is extremely small compared to God's.

Nevertheless, we must understand that, for man, it means 100 percent effort.

To cite examples: the accomplishment of the will centering on Adam and Eve was predestined to be fulfilled by the fulfillment of their own portion of responsibility, namely, by not eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The providence of restoration centering on Noah was predestined to be fulfilled by the accomplishment of his own portion of responsibility, through his loyalty in building the ark. The providence of salvation through Jesus was predestined to be accomplished through the fulfillment of responsibility on the part of fallen men by their believing in Jesus as the Messiah and following him (John 3:16). Men have caused the prolongation of God's providence of restoration by not fulfilling even their small amount of responsibility.

The Bible says, "The prayer of faith will save the sick man." (James 5:15); "Your faith has made you well." (Mark 5:34); "For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." (Matt. 7:8). All these Biblical passages prove that the will is predestined to be fulfilled by the accomplishment of man's own portion of responsibility. We can understand well enough how small were the responsibilities men took charge of in all these instances, compared to God's responsible portion of toil and grace.

At the same time, from the fact that through their failure to accomplish their portions of responsibility, the central figures in the providence were compelled to cause the prolongation of the providence of restoration, we can well imagine how extremely difficult it was for them to fulfill even a relatively small responsibility.

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