Thursday, January 14, 2021

Rebirth and Trinity


Section IV

Rebirth and Trinity

The theory of Trinity has been discussed in the theological world as one of the most difficult questions to resolve. Meanwhile, another question that has been left without fundamental solution concerns the theory of Rebirth, which we will consider here.

1. Rebirth

(1) Jesus and the Holy Spirit from the Standpoint of Rebirth

Jesus told Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, that unless one is born anew, he cannot see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). "Rebirth" means to be born the second time. Let us study the reason fallen men must be born anew.

Had Adam and Eve, having fulfilled the ideal of creation become the True Parents of mankind, their descendants would have realized the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, as children of goodness without original sin. However, having fallen, they became the evil parents of mankind and multiplied evil children, thus producing earthly Hell. Therefore, as Jesus said to Nicodemus, fallen men cannot see the Kingdom of God unless they are born anew as children without original sin.

We cannot be born without our parents. Then, who are the parents of goodness, giving us the second birth as children without original sin, capable of entering the Kingdom of God?

It would be impossible for evil parents with original sin to give birth to children of goodness without original sin. Naturally, we cannot expect to find parents of goodness among fallen men. Such parents should "descend" from Heaven. Jesus was the True Parent of mankind who came in that manner. In other words, he came as the True Father in order to realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by giving rebirth to fallen men as children of goodness without original sin.

Therefore, it says (I Peter 1:3), "...By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.". Jesus came as the True Father, the position which Adam had not fulfilled. This is why the Bible says that Jesus is the second Adam (I Cor. 15:45); that he is the "Everlasting Father" (Is. 9:6); and that God would send Elijah the prophet again and have him turn the hearts of the children (fallen men) to their father (Jesus), so that they might also become his children (Mal. 4:6). Again it is written that Jesus is to come again with his angels in the glory of his Father (Matt. 16:27).

However, a father alone cannot give birth to children. There must be a True Mother with the True Father, in order to give rebirth to fallen children as children of goodness. She is the Holy spirit. This is why Jesus said to Nicodemus that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born anew through the Holy Spirit (John 3:5).

There are many who receive revelations indicating that the Holy Spirit is a female Spirit; this is because she came as the True Mother, that is, the second Eve. Again, since the Holy Spirit is a female Spirit, we cannot become the "bride" of Jesus unless we receive the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Holy Spirit is a female Spirit, consoling and moving the hearts of the people (I Cor. 12:3). She also cleanses the sins of the people in order to restore them, thus indemnifying the sin committed by Eve. Jesus, being male (positivity), is working in heaven, while the Holy Spirit, being female (negativity), is working on earth.

(2) Jesus and the Holy Spirit Seen from the Standpoint of the Dual Essentialities of Logos

"Logos" is a Hellenic word meaning "word" or "law". It is written (John 1:1) that Logos is in the objective position to God. In the meantime, since God, as the subject of Logos, contains dual essentialities within Himself, Logos, as His object, should also contain dual essentialities. If Logos were without dual essentialities, the things of creation, which were made through Logos (John 1:3), would not have dual essentialities either. Adam and Eve were the substantial objects of God, divided from the dual essentialities of Logos (cf. Part I, Ch. 1, Sec. I, 1--20).

If Adam had become the Tree of Life, as a male having realized the ideal of creation, and if Eve, symbolized by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a female, had realized the ideal of creation in herself, and if they had thus become the True Parents of mankind, then God's three great blessings to man would have been fulfilled, thus enabling the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. However, due to their fall, the world became an earthly Hell. Therefore, Jesus came as the True Father of mankind, with the mission of the Tree of Life (Rev. 22:14); that is, as the second Adam (I Cor. 15:45). Then, it would only be logical that there should come the True Mother of mankind, with the mission of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Rev. 22:17); that is, the second Eve. The Holy Spirit came as the True Mother who would give rebirth to fallen man.

(3) Spiritual Rebirth through Jesus and the Holy Spirit

A baby is born through the love of his parents. As it is written (I Cor. 12:3), when we come to believe in Jesus as the Savior through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we receive the love of the spiritual True Parents, coming from the give and take action between Jesus, the spiritual True Father, and the Holy Spirit, the spiritual True Mother. Then, through this love, new life is infused into those who believe in Christ, and each is reborn into a new spiritual self. This is called "spiritual rebirth".

Man fell both spiritually and physically; so he must liquidate even the original sin through "physical rebirth". Therefore, Christ must come again to accomplish man's physical salvation by being born on earth.

2. Trinity

According to the principle of creation, God's purpose of creation can be realized only through the four position foundation which is established by forming the three objective purposes through origin-division-union action. Accordingly, in order to fulfill the purpose of creation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit must establish the four position foundation centered on God, be becoming one body in unity through the action of give and take, each as the object of God, substantially divided from His dual essentialities. In this manner, Jesus and the Holy Spirit become one body centered on God; this is called "Trinity".

Originally, God's purpose of creating Adam and Eve was to form a trinity by uniting them into one body in love as the True Parents of mankind, thus establishing the four position foundation centered on God. If they had perfected themselves without the fall, forming a trinity as the True Parents centered on God, and had multiplied children of goodness, all their descendants would have grown to become married couples of goodness centered on God, each pair forming a trinity with God. naturally, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth would have been realized centering on the first human couple, in accordance with the realization of God's three great blessings to them. However, due to the fall, Adam and Eve established the four position foundation centered on Satan, thus resulting in a trinity centered on Satan. Therefore, their descendants have also formed trinities centered on Satan, and have brought about a human society of corruption.

Therefore, God must work to have all fallen men born anew through the True Parents of mankind, Jesus and the Holy Spirit--one as the second Adam and the other as the second Eve--and then having all form respectively a trinity centered on God. But because of the undue death of Jesus, he and the Holy Spirit have fulfilled only the mission of spiritual True Parents, by forming the spiritual Trinity centered on God. Since Jesus and the Holy Spirit have undertaken the mission of spiritual rebirth only, the saints still remain in the position of their spiritual children, having been restored through the spiritual Trinity only.

Christ must come again in flesh in order that he may become the True Parent both spiritually and physically, by forming the substantial Trinity centered on God. He will then, by giving them rebirth both spiritually and physically, have all fallen men form (by couples) substantial trinities centered on God, after having liquidated the original sin. When fallen men have established the four position foundation in the original form centered on God, then the Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be restored through the realization of God's three great blessings to man.

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