Chapter Second Advent
Jesus clearly spoke about the Second Advent (Matt. 16:27). But he said
that no one knew of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven (Matt.
24:36). Therefore, up to the present, it has been thought reckless even to try
to know when, where and how the Lord would come.
examining the words of Jesus, "Only the Father knows." (Matt 24:36),
and the verse, "Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing his
secret to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7), we can understand that
God, who knows of the day and hour, will surely let His prophets know all the
secrets concerning the Second Advent of the Lord before actualizing it.
Jesus said that Lord would come like a thief (Rev. 3:3), while, on another
occasion, he said that, for those in the light, the Lord would not come as a
thief (I. Thess. 5:4). It was true that Jesus came as thief to the chief
priests and scribes, who were in darkness, but, to the home of John the
Baptist, which was in light, God revealed Jesus' birth beforehand. At the time
of his birth He revealed the fact to the wise men of the east, Simon, Anna, and
the shepherds. Again, Jesus warned the people, telling them to watch at all
times, praying that they might have the strength to escape all those things
that would take place, because the day of the Second Advent would come upon
them suddenly like a snare; so, it is evident that He will reveal it beforehand
to the saints who are in the light, so that they may prepare for the coming day
of the Lord.
the examples appearing in the course of the providence of restoration, we can
see that God always did things after having revealed the facts to His prophets
beforehand; for example: the judgment in Noah's time, His destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah, and the Messiah's coming. Therefore, it is evident that, at the
Second Coming of the Lord, God will speak to those who have ears to hear and
eyes to see so that they may be enlightened by the saints about what would take
place, as He promised that in the Last Days He would pour out His Spirit (Acts
Section V
The cause of the confusion of language and the
necessity for its unification
man perfected himself without the fall and had realized the world of one great
family resembling a human body with God as the head and all men as the members,
there would have been no reason for many languages to have come about on the
earth. Those who speak different languages cannot communicate with each other.
The confusion of human language came about because men's vertical relationship
with God was cut off due to the fall. Since this caused the severance of their
horizontal relationship with one another, all men have long been separated and
have formed many nations according to different geographical circumstances. On
the other hand, there is a scriptural record concerning the confusion of
language which suddenly came about among Noah's descendants, who had all been
speaking the same language in the beginning. The following are the particulars
of the story. The Canaanites, descendants of Noah's second son Ham, who had
sinned before God, once began to build a high tower of Babel, exalting the will
of Satan. Meanwhile, the descendants of Shem and Japheth, who had been on the
side of God, came to cooperate with the construction. Therefore, God confused
their language in order to prevent them from helping the work of Satan, by
making it impossible for them to communicate with one another (Gen. 11:7).
could be more miserable than the fact that we, as the same offspring from the
same parents, having the common feelings of joy and anger, cannot share them
with one another because of the difference in the languages which express them.
Therefore, in order that the ideal world of one great family, under the Lord of
the Second Advent as the True Parent, might be realized, all the languages of all
nations must now be unified, according to the principle of restoration by
indemnity, centering on the heavenly tower, and exalt the will of God. In this
way, the whole of mankind will become one people speaking one language, thus
establishing one world of one culture.

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