Chapter Formation and Length of each Age in the
History of Providence
Section IV
The Formation and Length of each Period in
the Providential Age of the Prolongation of Restoration
providential age of the prolongation of restoration is that in which it is
possible to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the
providential age of restoration, which is the age of image time-identity.
Therefore, in this age, each unit of time and its length forming the
providential age of restoration is restored by indemnity.
1. The Four Hundred Year Period of Persecution by the Roman Empire
came to fulfill the will for Abraham, the father of faith. We know that the
Israelites had separated themselves from Satan through their 400 years of
slavery in Egypt in order to restore by indemnity, on the nationwide base, the
foundation of faith which Abraham had failed to establish, due to his mistake
in the symbolic offering.
the Christians had to endure a period similar to the period of slavery in
Egypt, in order to restore by indemnity the foundation of faith left
unaccomplished, due to the Jewish people's failure in offering Jesus as a
living sacrifice. This was the reason for the 400-year period of persecution by
the Roman Empire. In 313 A.D. after bitter persecution by the Roman Empire, the
Emperor Constantine publicly recognized Christianity. In 392 A.D. Theodocius I
declared Christianity as the state religion. Therefore, this period was that in
which to restore by indemnity, as substantial time-identity, the 400-year
period of the Israelites' slavery in Egypt out of the period of the image time-identity.
2. The Four Hundred Year Period of Christian Churches under the
Patriarchal System
400-year period of Judges occurred in the period of the providence of
restoration, the period of the image time-identity. During this period the
people of Israel were ruled by the Judges. Therefore, during the providential
age for the prolongation of restoration, the period of substantial
time-identity, there also had to occur the period in which to restore by
indemnity this 400-year period of Judges. This was actually the 400-year period
of Christian churches under the patriarchal system, in which the people were
led by the Patriarchs, corresponding to the Judges. It lasted from the time
when Christianity had been publicly recognized by the Roman Empire as the
national religion, until the time of the enthronement of the Emperor
Charlemagne in 800 A.D. Therefore, this period was that in which to restore by
indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the 400-year period of Judges out
of the period of the image time-identity.
3. The One Hundred and Twenty Year Period of the Christian Kingdom
the providential age of restoration, the people of Israel established a kingdom
for the first time, centering on King Saul. After that, they formed the period
of the United Kingdom for 120 years from King Saul through King David and King
Solomon. Accordingly, in order to restore this age by indemnity, the period of
the Christian Kingdom came about. It covered the 120 years from the
enthronement of the Emperor Charlemagne in 800 A.D., until his royal heritage
ceased, and Henry I was elected as King of Germany in 919 A.D. Therefore, this
period was that which restored by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity,
the 120-year period of the United Kingdom, out of the period of the image
4. The Four Hundred Year Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West
the period of the United Kingdom in the period of the providence of
restoration, the holy temple failed to stand in God's will. Finally the kingdom
was divided into North and South, thus beginning the 400-year period of the
divided kingdoms. Therefore, in the providential age for the prolongation of
restoration also, there had to occur a period to restore this period by
was the 400-year period of the divided kingdoms of East and West, which lasted
from the time when the period of the Christian Kingdom was finished until the
Vatican moved to Avignon in Southern France in 1309. At first the Christian
Kingdom was divided into the three kingdoms of the East Franks, West Franks,
and Italy. But, since Italy was under the rule of the East Franks, who had
succeeded the Holy Roman Empire, the kingdom was in fact divided into two
kingdoms of East and West. Therefore, this period served to restore by
indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the 400-year period of the divided
kingdoms of North and South, out of the period of the image time-identity.
5. The Two Hundred and Ten Year Period of Papal Captivity and Return
the period of the divided kingdoms of North and South, the idol-worshipping
Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria, and the Southern Kingdom
of Judah also fell into faithlessness and failed to rebuild the ideal of the
temple. Therefore, 210 years elapsed from the time when the Jews were taken
captive in Babylon, the Satanic world, until they again set up the temple after
their return. Consequently, in order to restore this period by indemnity, there
came about the 210-year period of papal captivity and return. It lasted from
the time when Pope Clement V moved the Holy See in 1309 from Rome to Avignon in
Southern France, until the popes returned to Rome and later saw the religious
revolution in 1517. Therefore, this period served to restore by indemnity, as
the substantial time-identity, the 210-year period of the Jewish captivity and
their return, out of the period of the image time-identity.
6. The Four Hundred Year Period of Preparation for the Second Advent of
the Messiah
Jewish people, who returned to Jerusalem after their liberation from captivity
in Babylon, rose in action for the renewal of the politics and religion,
centering on Malachi, the prophet. According to his prophecy (Mal 4:5), they
began to make preparation to receive the Messiah; and, after the 400-year
period, they finally received the Messiah.
in order to restore the period by indemnity, even in the providential age of
the prolongation of restoration, there had to be a 400-year period, from the
time when the religious revolution broke out in 1517, centering on Luther after
the Pope had returned to Rome from his imprisonment in Avignon, before we can
ever receive the Lord of the Second Advent. This period is the period of
preparation for the Second Advent of the Messiah. Therefore, this period serves
to restore by indemnity, as the substantial time-identity, the 400-year period
of preparation for the coming of the Messiah, out of the period of the image

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