Chapter Advent of the Messiah
Section I
The word "messiah" in Hebrew means the "anointed
one", especially signifying the king. The Israelites believed the Word of
God that He would send a king or Messiah to save them; this was the Messianic
expectation of the Israelites. In this sense, Jesus Christ came as the Messiah,
"Christ" meaning "Messiah" in the Hellenic language.
Messiah must come in order that the purpose of God's providence of salvation be
fulfilled. Man needs salvation because of the human fall. Therefore, we must
understand the questions concerning the human fall in order to solve the
problems of salvation. "Fall" implies that God's purpose of creation
was left unfulfilled, so we must first elucidate the purpose of creation before
we discuss the questions concerning the human fall.
purpose of creation was to be fulfilled with the establishment of the Kingdom
of Heaven on earth. Due to the fall of man, an earthly hell was brought about
instead of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Ever since, God has continued His
providence to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Consequently, the purpose
of human endeavor is to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. These questions
have already been discussed in detail (cf. Part I, Ch. 3, Sec. I-II--100).
Section I
The providence of salvation through the cross
1. The purpose of Jesus' coming as the Messiah
purpose of Jesus' coming as the Messiah was to fulfill the providence of
restoration; his coming was primarily to save fallen men. Consequently, the
Kingdom of Heaven on earth should have been established by Jesus. We may see
this even from what Jesus said to his disciples, "You, therefore, must be
perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matt. 5:48). According to
the principle of creation, a man who has fulfilled the purpose of creation
becomes one body with God, possesses deity, and cannot commit sins. This kind
of man, seen from the purpose of creation, is one who is perfect as the
heavenly Father is perfect. Therefore, Jesus' words to his disciples meant that
they should become citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, after having been restored
as men who have fulfilled the purpose of creation.
Jesus came in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, having
restored fallen men as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom. For this reason he
told his disciples to pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
(Matt. 6:10). He also urged the people to repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven was
at hand (Matt. 4:17). For the same reason, John the Baptist, who had come to
prepare the way of the Lord, also announced the nearness of the Kingdom of
Heaven (Matt. 3:2).
would the man be like, then, who became perfect as the heavenly Father is
perfect, having restored himself as the man in whom the purpose of creation is
fulfilled? Such a man would become one body with God, inseparable from Him,
living in accordance with God's will. Feeling exactly what God feels, he would
possess deity. This man is not in need of redemption or of a savior, nor does
he need the life of prayer and faith required by fallen men, because he is
without original sin. Such a man, being himself without original sin, comes to
multiply children of goodness without original sin; in consequence, his
children are not in need of a savior for the redemption of their sins.
2. Was the Providence of Salvation, fulfilled through
Redemption by the cross?
human history began, there has not been a single man, however devout a saint he
may have been, who has lived a life in complete oneness with God. Not a single
man has experienced God's own heart and feeling, or possessed the same deity.
Consequently, there has not yet been a saint who did not need redemption from
sin and a life of prayer and faith. Even a man as devout as Paul was compelled
to lead a life of faith and tearful prayers (Rom. 7:18-25). All parents,
however devout, cannot give birth to a child without sin who may go to the
Kingdom of Heaven without redemption by the savior. From this, we perceive that
parents are still transmitting original sin to their children.
does the reality of the life in faith of the Christian teach us? It tells us
straightforwardly that redemption through the cross cannot completely liquidate
our original sin, and that it leaves man's original nature not yet perfectly
restored. Jesus promised the Lord would come, because Jesus knew he could not
fulfill the purpose of his advent as the Messiah through redemption by the
cross. Christ had to come again to fulfill perfectly the will of God, because
God's predestination to restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was absolute and
his sacrifice on the cross then come to naught? Not at all (John 3:16). If it
had, Christian history could not have existed. We can never deny the magnitude
of the grace of redemption by the cross. Therefore, it is true that our faith
in the cross can bring about redemption. It is equally true that redemption by
the cross has been unable to remove our original sin and restore us as men of
the original nature who cannot commit sin; thus, it has been unable to
establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
the question arises as to the extent of redemption by the cross. The faith of
modern men of intellect cannot be directed unless we can solve this problem.
3. The Crucifixion of Jesus
us first examine Jesus' crucifixion from the viewpoint of the words and actions
of the disciples that were recorded in the Bible. There was one evident feeling
common among the disciples concerning Jesus' death. They were grieved and
mortified by Jesus' death. They were indignant at the ignorance and disbelief
of the people who caused the crucifixion of Jesus (Acts 7:51-53). Christians
since have commonly entertained the same feeling as did the disciples of Jesus'
days. If Jesus' death had been a natural result of God's predestination, there
would have been no reason for the disciples to decry it, though it may have
been inevitable for them to grieve over his death. From this, we can ascertain
that Jesus' having to take the path of death was unjust and undue.
let us further investigate from the viewpoint of God's providence whether
Jesus' crucifixion was a natural result of God's predestination. God called the
chosen people of Israel, the descendants of Abraham; He raised and protected
them, and at times led them through the discipline of trials and hardships. He
comforted them by sending prophets who promised that in the future He would
send them a Messiah. He had the people erect tabernacles and temples in
preparation for the Messiah. He sent the wise men from the East as well as
Simon, Anna, John the Baptist and others to testify widely to the birth and the
appearance of the Messiah.
concerning the birth of John the Baptist, all the Jews knew that the angel
appeared to testify to his conception (Luke 1:13); and the signs which occurred
at the time of his birth stirred all Judea in expectation (Luke 1:63-66).
Besides, his ascetic practices in the wilderness were so impressive that the
Jewish people questioned in their hearts whether perhaps he were the Christ
(Luke 3:15). Needless to say, God sent such a great man as John the Baptist to
bear witness to Jesus as the Messiah so that the Jewish people would believe in
Jesus. Since God's will was thus to have the Israelites believe that Jesus was
the Messiah, the Israelites, who were supposed to live according to God's will,
should have believed in him as the Messiah. If they had believed in Jesus as
the Messiah according to God's will, how could they have crucified him, after
having waited for him for such a long time? It was because, against God's will,
they did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, that the Israelites crucified
him. We, therefore, must realize that Jesus did not come to die on the cross.
let us further investigate, according to Jesus' own words and deeds, whether
his crucifixion was truly the means to fulfill the whole purpose of his coming
as the Messiah. As the Bible clearly states, Jesus expressed in both word and
deed his wish to have the people believe he was the Messiah. When the people
asked him what they must do to be doing the works of God, Jesus answered them,
"This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom He has sent."
(John 6:29).
grieved over the treachery of the Jewish people; and finding none to appeal to,
he wept over the city of Jerusalem and even cursed the city to be destroyed so
utterly that not one stone would be left upon another, not to mention the
Israelites, the chosen people, whom God had led in love and care for 2000
years. Jesus clearly pointed out their ignorance, saying, "...you did not
know the time of your visitation." (Luke 19:44).
lamented over the disbelief and stubbornness of the people, saying:
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are
sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen
gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! (Matt. 23:37)
reproached them for their ignorance which kept them from believing in him even
though they read the Scriptures, which testified to him, and he said in great
You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have
eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me; yet you refuse to come to
me that you may have life. (John 5:39-40)
he said sorrowfully, "I have come in my Father's name, and you do not
receive me", and he went on to say, "If you believed Moses, you would
believe me, for he wrote of me." (John 5:43-46).
performed many miracles and signs in the hope that he might restore the
people's belief. However, they condemned him as being possessed by Beelzebub
when they saw the amazing works which Jesus did. Seeing the painful situation,
Jesus said, "...even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that
you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the
Father." (John 10:38). On another occasion, he even cursed them in great
indignation, prophesying that they would suffer (Matt. 23:13-36). Jesus
himself, through his words and deeds, tried to make them believe in him,
because it was God's will for them to do so. If the Jewish people believed that
he was the Messiah, as both God and Jesus wanted, could they have crucified
From the above, we can see that Jesus' crucifixion was the result of the ignorance and disbelief of the Jewish people and was not God's predestination to fulfill the whole purpose of Jesus' coming as the Messiah. I Corinthians 2:8 says, "None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.".
This should be sufficient
Jesus' crucifixion had originally been God's predestination, how could he have
prayed even three times that the cup of death might pass from him? (Matt.
26:39). In fact, he thus prayed desperately because he knew too well that the
history of affliction would be prolonged until the time of the Second Advent if
the disbelief of the people should forbid the realization of the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth, which God had endeavored to establish.
John 3:14 we read, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so
must the Son of man be lifted up.". When the Israelites were on their way
from Egypt into the land of Canaan, they failed to believe in Moses, and at
that time fiery serpents appeared and began to kill the people; then God had a
bronze serpent lifted up on a pole, and those who looked at it survived.
Similarly, due to the Jewish people's disbelief in Jesus, all were destined to
hell; and Jesus, foreseeing that after his crucifixion as the "bronze
serpent" only those who looked at him and believed in him would be saved,
said this with a deeply sorrowful heart.
way we may know that Jesus was crucified due to the disbelief of the people is
from the fact, as Jesus foretold, that the chosen nation of Israel declined
after his death (Luke 19:44).
9:6-7 says:
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will
be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called 'Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'. Of the increase of his government
and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over his
kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness
from this time forth and for evermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do
is the prediction that Jesus would come upon the throne of David and establish
a kingdom that would never perish throughout eternity. Therefore, an angel
appeared to Mary at the time she conceived Jesus and said:
And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall
call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the son of the Most
high; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he
will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be
no end. (Luke 1:31-33)
these passages, we can see plainly that God called the Israelites, the chosen
people, and had led them through afflictions and hardships for 2000 years, in
order to establish an everlasting Kingdom of God on earth by sending Jesus as
the Messiah. Jesus came as the Messiah; but, due to the disbelief of and
persecution by the people, he was crucified. Since then, the Jews have lost
their qualification as the chosen people and have been scattered, suffering
persecution through the present day.
4. The limit of Salvation through Redemption by the
cross, and the purpose of the Lord's Second Advent
Jesus had not been crucified, what would have happened? He would have
accomplished the providence of salvation both spiritually and physically. He
would have established the Kingdom of Heaven on earth which would last forever,
as expressed in the prophecy of Isaiah (Is. 9:6-7), in the instruction of the
angel appearing to Mary (Luke 1:31-33), and in Jesus' own words announcing the
imminence of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 4:17).
first created man's flesh with the earth, and then He breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life and made him into a living soul (Gen. 2:7). Man was
created to have both spirit and body; his fall also came about both spiritually
and physically. Naturally, salvation must include both spirit and body.
Since the purpose of Jesus' advent as the Messiah was to accomplish the providence of restoration, he should have fulfilled the salvation of both spirit and body. To believe in Jesus means to become one body with him; therefore, Jesus likened himself to the true vine, and his followers to its branches (John 15:5). He said, "...you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you." (John 14:20). Jesus said this because coming in the flesh, he wanted to save fallen men both spiritually and physically.
If they had become one with
him in both spirit and body by believing in him, fallen men could have been
saved both spiritually and physically. Because the Jewish people disbelieved
Jesus and delivered him up for crucifixion, his body was invaded by Satan, and
he was killed. Therefore, even when Christians believe in and become one body
with Jesus, whose body was invaded by Satan, their bodies still remain subject
to Satan's invasion.
this manner, however devout a man of faith may be, he cannot fulfill physical
salvation by redemption through Jesus' crucifixion alone. Since the original
sin lineally transmitted from Adam has not been liquidated, any saint, however
devout he may be, still has original sin and cannot help giving birth to the
children of original sin. To prevent the condition of Satanic invasion which
constantly comes through the flesh due to the original sin, we have to torment
and deny our flesh, in order to live a religious life. We must pray constantly
(I Thess. 5:17) in order to prevent the condition of Satanic invasion that
comes because of original sin, which has not been annihilated, even through
redemption by the cross.
could not accomplish the purpose of the providence of physical salvation
because his body was invaded by Satan. However, he could establish the basis
for spiritual salvation by forming a triumphant foundation for resurrection
through the redemption by the blood of the cross. Therefore, all the saints
since the resurrection of Jesus through the present day have enjoyed the
benefit of the providence of spiritual salvation only. Salvation through
redemption by the cross is spiritual only. Even in devout men of faith, the
original sin remains in the flesh and is transmitted continuously from
generation to generation. The more devout a saint becomes in his faith, therefore,
the more severe becomes his fight against sin. Thus, Christ must come again on
the earth to accomplish the purpose of the providence of the physical, as well
as the spiritual salvation, by redeeming the original sin which has not been
liquidated even through the cross.
mentioned before, even the saints redeemed by the cross have had to continue to
fight against original sin. That is why even Paul, who was the center of faith
among the disciples, lamented over his inability to prevent sin from invading
his flesh, saying, "...So then, I of myself serve the law of God with my
mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin." (Rom. 7:22-25). He said
this to express the joy of the fulfillment of spiritual salvation as well as to
deplore the failure to accomplish physical salvation. Again, in I John 1:8-10
John confessed, saying:
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in
us...If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in
we who can gain salvation through the crucifixion of Jesus cannot escape from
being sinners because the original sin still works in us.
5. Two kinds of prophecy concerning the cross
must be the reason, then, that in Isaiah 53 Jesus' suffering on the cross is
prophesied, if his crucifixion was not the result of God's predestination?
Until now, many people have thought that the prophecies in the Bible about
Jesus foretold only his suffering. When we read the Bible anew with a knowledge
of the Principle, we can understand that, just as the prophet Isaiah foretold
in the Old Testament Age (Is. 9, 11, 60), and as the angel of God prophesied to
Mary, Jesus was expected to become king of the Jews in his lifetime and
establish on earth an everlasting kingdom of which "there will be no
end" (Luke 1:31-33). Let us then investigate why there were two kinds of
created man to be perfected only by accomplishing his portion of responsibility
(cf. Part I, Ch. 1, Sec. V, 2.2--55). However, in actuality, the first human
ancestors fell without having accomplished their portion of responsibility.
Thus, man could either accomplish his portion of responsibility in accordance
with God's will, or, on the contrary, not accomplish it against God's will.
To give an example from the Bible:
- It was man's portion of responsibility not to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam could perfect himself by obeying God's commandment not to eat of the fruit; on the other hand, he could die by eating the fruit, as actually happened.
- God gave the Ten Commandments to the people of the Old Testament Age as a condition of man's responsibility in the providence of salvation. Thus, man could be saved by keeping the Commandments, or be ruined by not keeping them.
- It was the Israelites' portion of responsibility to obey Moses' command on their way from Egypt to the blessed land of Canaan. They could enter the blessed land of Canaan by obeying Moses' command, or not enter it by disobeying his command. In fact, God willed that Moses lead the Israelites into the blessed land of Canaan (Ex. 3:8) and commanded him to do so; but due to their disbelief, the people perished in the wilderness, leaving only their posterity to reach the destination.
thus has his own responsibility to accomplish, and he may fulfill it according
to God's will or not fulfill it against His will, thus resulting in only one of
the two possibilities being realized. Therefore, it was inevitable for God to
give two kinds of prophecy regarding the fulfillment of His will.
- It was God's portion of responsibility to send the Messiah, but to believe in him was man's responsibility. Therefore, the Jewish people could either believe in the Messiah according to God's will or not believe in him, against His will.
Therefore, God had to give two kinds of prophecy, thus providing for two
possible results, according to man's success or failure to accomplish his
responsibility. God prophesied both about what might happen if the Jewish
people failed to believe in the Messiah, as was written in Isaiah 53, and about
what would happen if they fulfilled His will in glory by believing in and
serving the Messiah, as was recorded in Isaiah 9, 11, and 60, and Luke 1:30.
However, due to the disbelief of the people, Jesus died on the cross, and the
prophecy of Isaiah 53 was realized, thus leaving the others to be accomplished
after the Lord's Second Advent.
6. Biblical verses written as if Jesus' Crucifixion
were inevitable
the Bible we find many verses written as if Jesus' suffering through
crucifixion were inevitable. One of the representative examples of this is that
Jesus reproached Peter, who tried to dissuade him when he prophesied about his
suffering on the cross, and said, "Get behind me, Satan!" (Matt.
16:23). Otherwise, how could Jesus reproach Peter so bitterly? In fact, Jesus
was then resolved to take the cross as the condition of indemnity to pay for
the accomplishment of even the spiritual salvation of man when he found that he
was unable to accomplish the providence of both spiritual and physical
salvation (Luke 9:31). In that situation, Peter's dissuading him from taking
the way of the cross was a hindrance to the providence of spiritual salvation
through the cross; so, he reproached Peter.
the next place, when Jesus uttered his last words on the cross, saying,
"It is finished" (John 19:30), he did not mean that the whole purpose
of the providence of salvation was attained through the cross. Knowing that the
disbelief of the people was at that point inalterable, Jesus chose the way of
the cross in order to establish the foundation of the providence of spiritual salvation,
leaving the providence of physical salvation to the time of the Second Advent.
Therefore, Jesus meant by the words "it is finished" that he finished
establishing the basis for the providence of spiritual salvation through the
cross, which was the secondary providence of salvation.
order for us to have a right faith, we must first establish direct rapport with
God in spirit through ardent prayer and next, we must understand the truth
through correct reading of the Bible. This is the reason that Jesus told us to
worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24).
From the time of Jesus through the present, all Christians have thought that Jesus came to the world to die. This is because they did not know the fundamental purpose of Jesus' coming as the Messiah and entertained the wrong idea that spiritual salvation was the only mission for which Jesus came to the world. Jesus came to accomplish the will of God in his lifetime, but had to die a reluctant death due to the disbelief of the people. There must first appear on the earth the bride who can relieve the humiliated and grieving heart of Jesus before Christ as the bridegroom can come again--this time to complete his mission with his bride.
Jesus said, "Nevertheless, when the Son of man
comes, will he find faith on earth?" (Luke 18:8) in lamentation over the
possible ignorance of the people, which he could foresee.
have clarified the fact that Jesus did not come to die, but if we ask Jesus
directly through spiritual communication, we can see the fact even more
clearly. When direct rapport is impossible, we should seek the testimony of
someone with such a gift in order to have the kind of faith that will entitle
us to be the "bride", in order to receive the Messiah.
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