Chapter The Fall of Man
Section IV
The Result of The human Fall
was the result brought about in the world of creation, including man and the
archangel, by the spiritual and physical fall of Adam and Eve? Let us examine
this important question.
1. Satan and Fallen Man
have previously mentioned that Lucifer, the fallen archangel, was called Satan.
Man fell, becoming Satan's child, because he formed the four position
foundation centered on Satan, thus becoming one body with him through their
blood relationship. Therefore, Jesus said that fallen men are of their father
the devil (John 8:44), and on many occasions called them the brood of vipers,
that is, sons of Satan (Matt. 3:7, 12:34, 23:33). Romans 8:23 says,
"...not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of
the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons...". This is
because man could not inherit God's lineage, but inherited Satan's instead, due
to the fall of the first human ancestors.
Adam and Eve had established the four-position foundation centered on God after
having perfected themselves, the world under the sovereignty of God could have
been established at that time. However, they fell in the period of immaturity,
thus forming the four-position foundation centered on Satan. Therefore, the
world came under Satanic sovereignty. John 12:31 says that Satan is the
"ruler of this world", while in II Corinthians 4:4 Satan is called
the "god of this world". This is the manner in which Satan came to
dominate man, who had been created to be the dominator of the whole creation,
and thus came to dominate the creation as well. Therefore, Romans 8:19 says
that the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of
God. This signifies that all creation, being now under the dominion of Satan
while it should be dominated by perfected men, is anxious to repel Satan and to
see the revealing of the men of the original nature of creation, who are
entitled to dominate all creation in love.
2. Satan's Activities in human society
is constantly accusing men before God, just as he did with Job (Job 1:9-11), in
order to put them into hell. However, even Satan cannot perform this kind of
evil action without having an object with whom to form a reciprocal base for
give and take action. The objects of Satan are the evil spirits in the spirit
world. The objects of these evil spirits are the spirit men of evil men on
earth. The objects of the spirits of evil men on earth are their own physical
bodies. Therefore, Satanic power, conveyed by evil spirits, results in the evil
physical activities of earthly men. Therefore, we read in Luke 22:3 that Satan
entered into Judas Iscariot. Again in Matthew 16:23, Jesus called Peter
"Satan". In the Bible, evil spirit men are called "angels"
of the devil (Matt. 25:41).
restore the earthly Kingdom of Heaven (Part I, Ch. 3, Sec. II--103) means to
realize the world in which Satan can never act, by man's severing completely
his reciprocal base with Satan and restoring his reciprocal base with God, thus
entering in give and take action with Him. That God keeps Satan in a bottomless
pit in the Latter Days signifies that Satan will be unable to act since he will
have lost his object with which to work. In order for man to be able to cut off
his reciprocal base with Satan and be rightfully able to judge him (I Cor.
6:3), he must know the true character of Satan's crime and accuse him before
God. However, God in creating angels and men, gave them freedom; and so He
cannot restore them by force. Therefore, man should be able to make Satan come
to a natural surrender by exalting the Word, through the accomplishment of his
own portion of responsibility by his own volition, before he can be restored to
the status of a man of the original nature of creation. The history of the
providence of restoration has been prolonged for such a long time because God
is developing His providence according to such principles.
3. Good and Evil seen from the Nature of Purpose
have already defined good and evil in the "Original Value of
Creation" (Part I, Ch. 1, Sec. IV--46). Let us now investigate good and
evil, seen from the nature of purpose. If Adam and Eve had established the four
position foundation centered on God through the love with which they were
originally endowed, they would have realized the world of goodness. But they
realized a world of evil because they had established the four position
foundation centered on Satan through their love which had a purpose contrary to
goodness. Therefore, good and evil can result from the same action, but have a
different direction and purpose. There are many examples illustrating that
human nature, considered evil, would be good if it pursued the purpose of God's
will. For instance, human desire or ambition, usually considered evil, is part
of the original nature of creation endowed by God in the beginning. This is
true because the purpose of creation was to obtain joy, and joy can be attained
only when desire is fulfilled. If man had no desire or ambition, he could have
no joy. If man had no desire or ambition, he would have no ambition to receive
God's love, to want to live, to perform good deeds, nor to develop. In this
way, neither God's purpose of creation nor the providence of restoration could
be fulfilled. The maintenance and development of human society, too, would be
original desire of man, being the original nature of creation, comes to realize
goodness if it is fruitful for the purpose of God's will. On the contrary, if
it is fruitful for the purpose of Satan's will, it results in evil. From this
principle, it is self-evident that even the world of evil, when turned toward
the purpose of goodness centered on Christ, will be restored to perfect
goodness, thus realizing the Kingdom of God on earth (cf. Part I, Ch. 3, Sec.
II, 2--105). Accordingly, the providence of salvation is to change the
direction of the fallen world, heading toward the purpose of Satan, to the
direction of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in order to realize God's purpose
of creation.
standard of goodness upheld in the course of this providence is not absolute
but relative. This is because, during a specific age, it may be considered good
to follow the purpose of the sovereign's ideology, while it is considered evil
to go against his purpose. But once the age and the sovereign change, bringing
a different ideology, the purpose also will change, and with it the standard of
good and evil. In any religion or ideology, it is "good" for the
adherents to follow the purpose defined by the doctrine, while to go against it
is "evil". But for those of a different religion or ideology, or
those who change their beliefs, the standard of good and evil would naturally
differ according to the difference in purpose.
principal cause behind the conflicts and revolutions which constantly take
place in human society is the change in the standard of good and evil which
occurs, as the purpose sought by men varies. The standard of goodness in the
course of restoration is thus not an absolute one but a relative one. However,
when the sovereignty of Satan is expelled from the earth, and God, the eternal
absolute Being transcendent of time and space, restores His sovereignty with
His absolute ideology, the purpose determined by the ideology, and the
resultant standard of goodness, will also be absolute. This will be the world
of macrocosmic ideology which will be established by the Lord of the Second
Advent. In fact, human history has been the struggle in pursuit of the absolute
goodness of our original mind's desire, constantly undergoing conflicts and
revolutions. Accordingly, the conflicts and revolutions which take place in
human society will continue until the world of absolute goodness is
4. The Works of Good spirits and Evil spirits
spirits" is the collective name for God, good spirit men on His side, and
angels. What we call "evil spirits" are Satan and all the evil spirit
men on his side. The works of good spirits and evil spirits, as in the case of
good and evil, start at the same point in the same manner but are directed
toward different purposes.
who are involved in the works of good spirits enjoy an increasing sense of
peace and righteousness; even the physical health of the individual will
improve. The works of evil spirits make individuals feel an increasing sense of
insecurity, fear, and egoism, even hindering the physical health of the
obsessed. Those who are ignorant of the Principle find it very hard to discern
the good or evil of the spiritual works. With the lapse of time, the results
will reveal the nature of the spirit. However, fallen man, situated halfway
between good (God) and evil (Satan), may sometimes cooperate with the work of
both good and evil spirits. In many cases, even the works of evil spirits may
combine with the works of good spirits after a certain period. So it is very
difficult for people who are ignorant of the Principle to discern between them.
It is a pity that in this age, many ministers and other religious workers
condemn, from ignorance, the works of good spirits as those of evil spirits,
thus going against God's will without being aware of it. No one in the present
day of such increasing spiritual phenomena can guide men in spiritual
communication unless he can discern between the works of good spirits and evil
5. Sin
is the act of violating the heavenly law by establishing a condition in which
one forms a reciprocal base with Satan, and enters into the action of give and
take with him. We can classify human sin into four kinds. First is man's
"original sin", which is the sin derived from the spiritual and
physical fall of the first human ancestors. Original sin is the root of all
is man's "hereditary sin", which is the sin of the ancestors
transmitted to the descendants through blood lineage. The Ten Commandments
state that the sin of the parents will be conveyed through several generations
(Ex. 20:5).
is the "collective sin". This is the sin for which everybody is
collectively responsible, even though it is neither his own sin nor a
hereditary sin. An example of this kind of sin is the crucifixion of Jesus. The
chief priests and scribes of the people had Jesus crucified; therefore, all the
Jews have undergone God's punishment, taking the responsibility as a whole.
Likewise, all mankind has had to suffer and will bear common responsibility
until the Second Advent of the Lord.
is the "individual sin" which everyone commits himself. As mentioned
above, we call original sin the root of all sins. Hereditary sin corresponds to
the trunk, while collective sin and individual sin correspond respectively to
the branches and leaves of a tree. All sins come from original sin, which is
the root of all sins. Therefore, man cannot fundamentally liquidate all sins
without getting rid of original sin. However, no one has been able to uncover
this root of sin. Only Christ, the True Parent, who comes as the root of life,
can uncover the root of sin(s) and liquidate it.
6. The Original Nature of the Fall
inherited from the archangel all the characteristics that came about when the
archangel committed a sexual act with Eve against God's will. Then Adam, who
entered into a blood relationship with Eve--who in turn was in the position of
the archangel to him--came to inherit the same characteristics. In this manner,
these characteristics gave rise to the fallen nature of man. We call these the
"original nature of the fall".
basic motivation that thus caused the original nature of the fall lay in the
jealousy the archangel felt toward Adam. How could there be any such thing as
jealousy in the archangel, who had been created for the purpose of goodness?
Originally, the archangel was endowed with wisdom and desire, as the original
nature of creation. He could compare and discern that God's love toward men was
greater than that toward himself. It was quite natural for him to entertain the
hope of receiving greater love than anyone else because he possessed a
spontaneous desire for the greatest love. Such a desire was automatically
conducive to jealousy. Therefore, jealousy was a by-product of the original
nature of creation, like the shadow of a thing produced by the light.
after perfection, man could never fall due to such incidental desire. He would
not dare commit such a crime, because he would know that the torment he would
experience in fear of self-destruction, after fulfilling such a desire, would
be far greater than the momentary satisfaction he would enjoy by fulfilling it.
world after the accomplishment of the purpose of creation should be a
systematic society, resembling a man in its form, in which all men have an
integrated relationship with one another. So, the harm which comes to an
individual is felt by the whole. Therefore, the whole body would keep the
individual members from destruction. Similarly, in the world in which the
purpose of creation is fulfilled, any incidental desire occurring from the
original nature of creation would be used for the development of human society;
it could never cause man to fall.
may roughly divide the original nature of the fall into four aspects. The first
is the failure to take the standpoint of God in loving others. The motivation
of the archangel's fall lay in his jealousy of Adam; he did not love him from
the same standpoint as God. This led him to defile Eve. The nature by which a
courtier feels jealous of a King's favorite, instead of loving him from the
standpoint of the king, is another example of the original nature of the fall.
second is to leave one's own position. Lucifer fell by leaving his position
because of an unrighteous desire to enjoy the same position of love in human
society as he did in the angelic world, and due to his attempt to receive more
love from God. Any act that is performed apart from one's own position and
limit, out of an unrighteous desire, is without exception, a manifestation of
this original nature of the fall.
third is to reverse the dominion. The angel who was supposed to be under the
dominion of man, dominated Eve, reversing the principled order. And Eve, who
was supposed to be under the dominion of Adam, dominated him instead. This
resulted in the fall. Human society was thrown out of order by those who left
their positions and reversed their dominions. This resulted because of the
third original nature of the fall.
fourth is to multiply the criminal act. If Eve had not multiplied her crime in
Adam before her fall, Adam would have remained intact. To restore Eve alone
would have been easy. However, Eve caused Adam to fall, multiplying her crime
in him. The desire of evil men to induce their colleague to commit crimes with
them also comes from this original nature of the fall.
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