Chapter Providence of Restoration centering on Moses and
Section III
Providence of Restoration centering on Jesus
In the beginning, Adam, who was supposed
to dominate the angels (I Cor. 6:3), brought about Hell by being dominated by
Satan. Therefore, in order to restore Adam's domination, through indemnity,
Jesus, who came as the second Adam, was supposed to subjugate Satan and restore
the Kingdom of God. As stated in Section I, Satan, who had not surrendered even
to God, could not be made to surrender to Jesus and his followers. Therefore,
taking the responsibility in the Principle for creating man, God, by setting up
Jacob and Moses, established the model course for Jesus to subjugate Satan in
the future.
Jacob went through the symbolic course of
subjugating Satan, while Moses walked the image-course of subjugating Satan,
then, Jesus had to go through the substantial course. Therefore, Jesus had to
accomplish the worldwide course of the restoration into Canaan by subjugating
Satan, following the model of the nationwide course of restoration into Canaan,
in which Moses had subjugated Satan.
God said to Moses:
I will raise up for them a prophet like
you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he
shall speak to them all that I command him. (Deut. 18:18)
By "a prophet like you" (Moses),
God meant Jesus, who would go through the same course as that of Moses. Again,
Jesus said "...the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he
sees the Father [God] doing..." (John 5:19), signifying that Jesus was
treading the model course which God had foreshadowed through Moses. Details
were already discussed in the providence of restoration centering on Moses, but
here, let us discuss the providence of restoration centering on Jesus by
comparing and contrasting the entire outline of the three courses of nationwide
restoration into Canaan centering on Moses, and the three courses of worldwide
restoration into Canaan centering on Jesus.
1. The
First Worldwide Course of Restoration into Canaan
(1) The
Foundation of Faith
The central figure to restore the
foundation of faith in the first worldwide course of restoration into Canaan
was John the Baptist. In what position was John the Baptist to accomplish his
mission? It was discussed in "Moses' Course" that his acts of
breaking the tablets of stone, and of striking the rock twice in the course of
nationwide restoration into Canaan, centering on Moses, allowed Satan the
possibility of striking Jesus, if the Jewish people, who should have centered
on Jesus, would fall into faithlessness.
In order for Jesus to avoid this
condition, the chosen people of Israel, who were preparing the foundation for
his coming, should have become one in harmony, centering on the temple, which
was the image-entity of the Messiah. However, the Israelites repeatedly fell
into faithlessness, thus creating the condition for Satan to invade Jesus, who
was to come in the future. In order to prevent this condition, Elijah, the
prophet, came and worked for the separation from Satan by destroying 850 false
prophets, including Baal and Ashera (I Kings 18:19), and finally ascended into
heaven (II Kings 2:11). However, since Elijah's mission was not entirely
realized, he had to come again to accomplish the rest of his mission (Mal.
4:5). The prophet who came as Elijah to succeed and accomplish the mission of
separating from Satan, which had been left unfulfilled by Elijah, and to make
straight the way of the Messiah (John 1:23), was John the Baptist (Matt. 11:14,
The Israelites were suffering the 400-year
slavery in Egypt without a prophet to lead them, and while doing so, they met
with one man, Moses, as the personage who could lead them into the land of
Canaan and help them meet the Messiah. Likewise, the Jewish people also were
suffering slavery under the gentile nations of Persia, Greece, Egypt, Syria,
and Rome, during the 400 years of the preparation period for the coming of the
Messiah, since the time of the prophet Malachi, without even a single prophet
to guide them. While doing so, they finally met John the Baptist as the
personage able to lead them to the Messiah who should come for the worldwide
restoration into Canaan.
Moses, who had been set up the foundation
of separation from Satan of the 400-years slavery in Egypt, learned the way of
loyalty and filial piety in Pharaoh's palace. John the Baptist, who was placed
on the foundation of separation from Satan of the 400-year period of
preparation for the coming of the messiah, also learned the way of loyalty and
filial piety toward God, in order to receive the Messiah, while living on
locusts and wild honey in the wilderness. Therefore, the Jewish people,
including the high priests (John 1:19), thought that John the Baptist might be
the Messiah (Luke 3:15). In this way, John the Baptist stood on the 40-day
foundation of separation from Satan, and he could lay the foundation of faith
for the first worldwide restoration of Canaan.
(2) The
Foundation of Substance
John the Baptist, set up in the position
of Moses, was, for the Jewish people, in the position of both the parent and
the child. From the position of the parent, he could restore, through
indemnity, the foundation of faith for the first worldwide restoration of
Canaan. At the same time, he could establish the position of Abel in setting up
the condition of indemnity on the worldwide level to remove the fallen nature,
from the position of the child (cf. Part II, Ch. 2, Sec. II, 1.2--295).
Consequently, John the Baptist stood on the foundation which he established on
the worldwide level, magnifying the position of Moses, who, after the 40 years
of indemnity in Pharaoh's palace, laid the foundation of faith for the first
restoration on the nationwide level.
At the time of Moses, God intended to
fulfill the "providence for the start", by having the people of
Israel trust Moses, after seeing him kill the Egyptian. The Israelites of that
time had to leave Egypt, the Satanic nation, and go into the land of Canaan; whereas
the Jewish people, centering on John the Baptist, instead of leaving the Roman
Empire to move into another land, had to remain under the regime and subjugate
it, restoring the empire to Heaven. Therefore, God showed the people the signs
and miracles centering on John the Baptist, and by having the Jewish people
believe him, He intended to fulfill the "providence for the start".
Through the wondrous prediction of the
angel concerning the conception of John the Baptist, through the miracle of his
father's becoming dumb when he did not believe in this, and through many other
miracles which God showed the Israelites at the time of John's birth, they knew
from the time of his birth that John was the prophet God had sent to them. This
is just as the Bible says:
Fear came on all their neighbors. And all
these things were talked about through all the hill country of Judea; and all
who heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, 'What then will this child
be?'. For the hand of the Lord was with him. (Luke 1:65-66)
Furthermore, because of his brilliant
career of asceticism, and his life of prayer in the wilderness, the chief
priests (John 1:19) and all the Jewish people (Luke 3:15) esteemed him so
highly that they mistook him for the Messiah.
Moses slew the Egyptians after the 40-year
period of indemnity in Pharaoh's palace. Then, if the Israelites, moved by his
patriotism, had believed and followed him, they could have gone straight into
Canaan through the direct way of the Philistines, without having to cross the
Red Sea, without making a detour by way of the wilderness, and without need of
the tablets of stone, the tabernacle, or the ark of the covenant. If the Jewish
people of Jesus' day, also, had believed and followed John the Baptist, whom
God had set up for them to believe, through the miracles and signs, they could
have restored the foundation of substance by establishing the conditions of
indemnity to remove the fallen nature, and on it they could have restored the
foundation to receive the Messiah.
(3) The
Failure in the First Course of Restoration into Canaan on the Worldwide Level
The Jewish people were in the position of
believing and following John the Baptist on the foundation of faith established
by him (John 1:19, Luke 3:15). Therefore, they could terminate the Old
Testament Age and start their new course of restoration into Canaan on the
worldwide level. However, as already stated (cf. Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. II--153),
John the Baptist, though he himself testified to Jesus as the Messiah, finally
doubted him (Matt. 11:3). By denying that he had come as Elijah, he not only
blocked the way for the Jewish people to go before Jesus, but caused them to
betray Jesus. Therefore, John the Baptist left the position of Abel in laying
the foundation of substance and, in consequence, the Jewish people failed to
establish the condition of indemnity on the worldwide level to remove the
fallen nature.
In this way, the foundation to receive the
Messiah was not established because the Jewish people failed to lay the foundation
of substance. Therefore, the first course of restoration into Canaan on the
worldwide level ended in failure, foreshadowing a second, or even a third
prolongation, just as at the time of Moses.
2. The
Second Course of Restoration into Canaan on the Worldwide Level
(1) The
Foundation of Faith
(i) Jesus
Succeeds the Mission of John the Baptist
John the Baptist was a personage in the
position of a restored Adam before Jesus, who came as a perfected Adam.
Therefore, John the Baptist had to establish the foundation to receive the
Messiah by completing all the missions left unaccomplished by all the central
figures who had come in the course of providential history until then with the
purpose of restoring the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance.
Then, leading the Jewish people, who would believe and follow him on this
foundation, he would have handed them all over to Jesus, together with the
whole foundation of the providence. After this, he himself should have followed
Jesus with the utmost faith and loyalty.
John the Baptist baptized Jesus at the
River Jordan (Matt. 3:16) without knowing the significance of the deed, but it
was a ceremony of handing over to him all that John had done for the will of
Nevertheless, John the Baptist later
became gradually more skeptical about Jesus and at last betrayed him.
Naturally, the Jewish people, who believed and followed John the Baptist as the
Messiah (Luke 3:15) were forced to stand in the position of disbelieving Jesus
(cf. Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. II--153). Accordingly, the foundation of faith that
John the Baptist had set up for the first worldwide course for the restoration
of Canaan was, in the end, invaded by Satan. Therefore, Jesus himself was
compelled to restore through indemnity that foundation of faith, succeeding the
mission of John the Baptist and thus starting the second worldwide course for
the restoration of Canaan. Jesus separated himself from Satan by fasting 40
days in the wilderness and this was to restore through indemnity the foundation
of faith from the position of John the Baptist.
Jesus who came as the son of God and the
Lord of Glory, originally should not have walked the path of tribulation (I
Cor. 2:8). However, John the Baptist, who was born with the mission of
preparing his way (John 1:23, Luke 1:76), failed to accomplish his mission. So
Jesus, himself, had to suffer the tribulations which John the Baptist had to
suffer in preparing the way for Jesus. Thus, Jesus, though being the Messiah,
succeeded John the Baptist in starting the course of the providence of
restoration. Therefore, he told his disciples not to make public the fact that
he was the Messiah (Matt. 16:20).
Jesus' Forty-day Fast and Prayer in the Wilderness and His Three Great
We must first know the remote and primary
courses of Jesus' 40-day fast and prayer and his three great temptations. In
the course of the nationwide restoration of Canaan, Moses, who stood before the
rock, became faithless and struck it twice. Therefore, the rock, symbolizing
Christ (I Cor. 10:4) suffered Satan's invasion. This became an act showing that
later, even in the course of Jesus, who would have to walk with Moses' course
as a pattern it would be possible for Satan to invade if John the Baptist, who
would come in order to make straight the way of Jesus, should become faithless.
Consequently, this action also showed that Satan could invade the foundation of
faith centering on John the Baptist, who was to come before the Messiah.
Therefore, Moses' action of striking the rock twice became the remote cause
compelling Jesus to go into the wilderness and suffer the 40-day fast and the
three great temptations from the position succeeding John the Baptist in order
to restore the foundation of faith, in case that John the Baptist should lose
John the Baptist became faithless (cf.
Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. II, 3--157), and Satan invaded the foundation of faith
which he had laid. With this as the immediate cause, Jesus had to suffer the
40-day fast and the three great temptations in the position of John the
Baptist, in order that he might restore through indemnity the foundation of
faith by setting up the 40-day foundation to separate Satan.
Then, what was Satan's purpose in offering
Jesus the three great temptations? In the Bible (Matt. 4:1-10) we read that
Satan showed him stones and told him to command them to become loaves of bread.
Then he took him to the pinnacle of the temple and told him to throw himself
down. Finally he took him to a very high mountain and told Jesus that he would
give him the whole world if Jesus would fall down and worship him, thus giving
Jesus three temptations.
In the beginning, God created man and
blessed him in three ways: the perfection of individuality, multiplication of
children, and dominion over the world of creation (Gen. 1:28). God's purpose of
creation was for man to accomplish all of these. However, Satan caused man to
fall, making him fail to accomplish the three blessings. So the purpose of
creation remained unfulfilled. Jesus came to fulfill God's purpose of creation
by restoring these three blessings that God had promised. Therefore, Satan
tried to prevent him from fulfilling the purpose of creation, by offering him
the three temptations in order to block the way of restoring the blessings.
How then did Jesus confront and overcome
these three great temptations? Let us first examine how Satan as a subjective
being tempted Jesus. We have already clarified the fact that in the course of
the nationwide restoration of Canaan centering on Moses, Satan came to stand in
the subject position to the Israelites centered on Moses, by taking (due to the
Israelites' disbelief and Moses' failure) the rock and the two tablets of stone
symbolizing Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Then, in the course of the worldwide
restoration of Canaan, John the Baptist, who had come with the mission of
making straight the way of the Messiah (John 1:23) by separating Satan, failed
to fulfill his responsibility, and the Israelites again fell into faithlessness
and disobedience as in the time of Moses. Consequently, just as God had already
foreshadowed in Moses' course, Satan came to stand in the subject position,
which enabled him to tempt Jesus. Let us study these temptations in greater
After Jesus fasted 40 days, Satan appeared
before him and tempted him, saying, "If you are the Son of God, command
these stones to become loaves of bread." (Matt. 4:3). Meanwhile, the stone
was in Satan's possession, due to Moses' action of breaking the tablets of
stone and of striking the rock and due to the disbelief of John the Baptist.
Therefore, in order to restore the stone, Jesus had to go into the wilderness
and separate Satan by fasting for 40 days. Satan knew well enough that Jesus
had come into the wilderness to restore the stone. This temptation signified
that Satan would hold possession of the stone forever, if Jesus, in his
wilderness course for the worldwide restoration of Canaan, should become
faithless and choose to command the stone to become loaves of bread in order to
fill his hungry stomach without trying to restore the stone--just as in
previous days, the Israelites could not endure hunger and had fallen into
faithlessness in the nationwide restoration of Canaan.
Jesus' answer to this temptation was,
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4). Originally, man was created to live on two
kinds of nutriments.
That is to say, man's physical body lives
on the nutriments taken from the natural world, while his spirit lives by the
words proceeding from the mouth of God. However, fallen men became unable to
receive God's Word directly and their spirits live by the words of Christ, who
came to earth as the incarnation of God's Word, as is written in the Bible
(John 1:14). Therefore, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life" (John
6:48), and went on to say, "Truly, truly I say to you unless you eat the
flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
(John 6:53). Therefore, even if man's physical body may have life by eating
bread, he cannot enjoy a wholesome life with that alone. Man can become
wholesome if, in addition he lives by Christ, who came as the incarnation of
God's Word and as man's food of life.
However, the stone became Satan's
possession by Moses' striking the rock, which was the root of the tablets of
stone. The stone in Satan's hand now truly was the rock and the tablets of
stone which Moses had lost. Therefore, the stone, after all, symbolized Jesus
himself, who was under Satan's temptation. This becomes even more apparent when
we read about a stone symbolizing Christ (Rev. 2:17) and that "the Rock
was Christ" (I Cor. 10:4). Therefore, Jesus' answer to Satan's first
temptation signified that even if he were then at the point of starvation, the
bread for the physical body was not a question; and he himself had to triumph
from the position of receiving Satan's temptation and become the food of God's
Word that could save the spiritual bodies of all mankind. The first temptation
was set up so that Jesus could establish the position of the Messiah, with
perfected individuality, by overcoming the temptation from the position of John
the Baptist. Satan was at defeated by such words of Jesus, who confronted him
with God's will from the position of the Principle, Jesus, by overcoming the
first temptation and thus setting up the condition enabling the restoration of
his individuality, laid the foundation for the restoration of God's first
Next, Satan set Jesus on the pinnacle of
the temple and said, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself
down." (Matt. 4:5-6). Jesus called himself the temple (John 2:19-21), and
the saints were called the temple of God (I Cor. 3:16). It is also recorded that
the saints are the members of the body of Christ (I Cor. 12:27). Therefore, we
can understand that Jesus is the main temple and the saints are the branch
temples. Thus Jesus came as the master of the temple, and even Satan could not
help but recognize his authority. So he set Jesus on the pinnacle of the
temple; then he told Jesus to throw himself down from there. This signified
that if Jesus threw himself down from the position of master to that of fallen
man, Satan would occupy the position of the dominator of the temple in place of
At this point Jesus answered him saying,
"You shall not tempt the Lord your God." (Matt. 4:7). Originally
angels were created to be dominated by a man of the original state of creation;
therefore, a fallen angel was naturally to be dominated by Jesus. Consequently,
the angel's attempt to stand in the position of the lord of the temple was a
non-principled act. Therefore, he should not have stood in the position of
tempting God with such a non-principled act, by tempting Jesus, the body of
God, who works His providence by the Principle alone. Moreover, Jesus, by
overcoming the first temptation, firmly established his position as master of
the temple, as the substantial temple, with his individuality restored.
Therefore, he was not in any position whatsoever to be tempted by Satan; Satan
should have left without tempting Jesus again.
Thus, by overcoming the second temptation,
Jesus, who came as the main temple and bridegroom, and the True Parent of
mankind, set up the condition enabling him to restore all the saints to the
position of his branch temples and brides, and true children, thus creating the
foundation for the restoration of God's second blessing.
Next, Satan led Jesus to a very high
mountain, and, showing all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, tempted
him, saying, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship
me." (Matt. 4:9). Originally, Adam, due to his fall, lost his authority as
the master of all creation, being dominated by Satan, and naturally Satan
became the dominator of all creation in place of Adam (Rom. 8:20). Jesus, who
came in the capacity of a perfected Adam, was the dominator of all the
creation, since it is written that God put all things in subjection under
Christ (I Cor. 15:27). Therefore, Satan who knew this principle, led Jesus to a
mountain top, putting him in the position of the master of all things, and them
tempted him in order that Jesus, the second Adam, also might yield before him,
just as Adam had yielded in the beginning.
Jesus answered this, saying, "You
shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve." (Matt.
4:10). Originally, an angel was a ministering spirit (Heb. 1:14), and was
supposed to worship and serve God, his Creator. Jesus answered, signifying that
it was the Principle that Satan, the fallen angel, should also worship and
serve God. Naturally, it is the Principle for Satan to also worship and serve
Jesus, who appeared as the body of God, the Creator, Moreover, Jesus had
already established the foundation enabling him to restore God's first and
second blessings, by overcoming the first two temptations. Therefore, it was
natural for him to dominate all creation by restoring God's third blessing on
that foundation. So he answered in accordance with the Principle, signifying
that there was no reason to be further involved with temptations concerning the
creation, which already stood on the victorious foundation.
Thus, Jesus overcame the third temptation
to restore his domination over the whole world of creation, through which he
established the foundation for the restoration of God's third blessing.
(iii) The
Result of Separation from Satan by the Forty-Day Fast and the Three Great
According to the principle of creation,
God's purpose of creation is to be realized only when man established the four
position foundation, after going through the three-stage process of origin,
division, and union. However, man had not been able to realize the purpose of
creation, because he had been invaded by Satan, in his course of establishing
the four positions. Therefore, God also intended to restore through indemnity
all the lost things, by establishing the 40-day foundation of separation from
Satan, through the three stages of prolongation of the providence.
Meanwhile, Jesus, though he was the
Messiah, established the 40-day foundation of separation from Satan, by
overcoming the three stages of temptation from the position of John the
Baptist. Accordingly, Jesus could restore through indemnity all the conditions
at once which God had intended to restore by establishing the 40-day foundation
of separation from Satan through the three-stage prolongation of His providence
of restoration.
First, Jesus could restore, through
indemnity, all that was to be restored in order to establish the foundation of
faith, through the providential course up to that time. Namely, he restored
through indemnity the offerings by Cain and Abel, Noah's ark, Abraham's
offering, Moses' tabernacle and Solomon's temple. Besides, Jesus at once
horizontally restored through indemnity all the 40-day foundations of
separation through indemnity all the 40-day foundations of separation from
Satan which had been lost due to the failures of central figures whose mission
had been to restore the foundation of faith, through the vertical course of
history during the 4,000 years since Adam. Namely, he restored through
indemnity Noah's 40-day flood judgment; Moses' three 40-year periods and two
40-day fasts; the 40 days of spying in Canaan; the Israelites' 40-year course
in the wilderness; the 400 years from Noah to Abraham; the 400 years of slavery
in Egypt; and all other "number 40" periods lost after that, until
his own time.
Second, Jesus could set up the condition
enabling him to realize God's three great blessings and to restore through
indemnity the four position foundation, because he came from the position of
John the Baptist to stand in the position of the Messiah. Consequently, Jesus
became a substantial being having fulfilled the offering, and he could stand as
the substantial being of the tablets of stone, of the tabernacle, the ark of
the covenant, the rock, and the temple.
(2) The
Foundation of Substance
Jesus came as the True Parent of mankind
and restored through indemnity the 40-day foundation of separation from Satan
from the position of John the Baptist. Therefore, he could restore the
foundation of faith from the position of a parent, and at the same time he
could establish the position of Abel in setting up the worldwide condition of
indemnity to remove the fallen nature from the position of a child.
Accordingly, Jesus came to stand in the position of having restored through
indemnity on the worldwide base, the position of Moses who had established the
foundation of faith for the second nationwide restoration of Canaan by going
through the 40-year period of indemnity in the wilderness of Midian.
In the second course of the nationwide
restoration of Canaan, God worked His "providence for the start" with
the three great miracles and ten calamities. Later in the third course of the
nationwide restoration of Canaan, God worked His "providence for the
start" by setting up the three great graces of the tablets of stone, the
tabernacle and the ark of the covenant--and the Ten Commandments, to restore
through indemnity the three great miracles and ten calamities in Egypt, which
were annulled because of the disbelief of the Israelites.
Since Jesus was the substantial being of
the Ten Commandments and the three great graces (the tablets of stone, the
tabernacle, and the ark of the covenant), he worked the "providence for
the start" by his own words and miracles and signs in the second course of
worldwide restoration of Canaan. If, in accordance with the "providence
for the start", the Jewish people in the position of Cain had believed and
followed Jesus in the position of Abel, they could have set up the condition of
indemnity to remove the fallen nature and could have restored the foundation of
substance, thus establishing the foundation of receive the Messiah. If so,
Jesus, shifting from the position of John the Baptist, could have stood as the
Messiah. Then, if all mankind had been engrafted to him (Rom. 11:17), had been
reborn, cleansed of the original sin, and had become one body in heart with
God, they could have restored the original nature endowed at the creation, thus
realizing the Kingdom of God on earth at that time.
(3) The
Failure of the Second Course of the Worldwide Restoration of Canaan
When, due to the disbelief of John the Baptist,
the first providence of the worldwide restoration of Canaan ended in a failure,
Jesus restored through indemnity the foundation of faith for the second
worldwide restoration of Canaan by suffering by himself the 40-day tribulation
in the wilderness, succeeding the mission of John the Baptist. Meanwhile,
Satan, who was defeated in the three great temptations, departed from Jesus
until an opportune time (Luke 4:13). Satan's having departed from him
"until an opportune time" implies that he did not leave Jesus
completely, but could come again before Jesus. As a matter of fact, Satan
confronted Jesus, working through the Jewish people, centering on the chief
priests and scribes who had fallen faithless, and especially through Judas
Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
In this manner, due to the faithlessness
of the Jewish people, the foundation of substance for the second course of the
worldwide restoration of Canaan resulted in a failure; accordingly, the
foundation to receive the Messiah for this providence was a failure. Naturally,
the second course of the worldwide restoration of Canaan also failed.
3. The Third Course of the Worldwide Restoration of Canaan
(1) The
Course of the Spiritual Restoration of Canaan, Centering on Jesus
Before discussing the problems concerning
the third course of the worldwide restoration, we must first know in what
respect it differs from the third course of nationwide restoration of Canaan.
As already discussed in detail, the center of the Israelite faith in the third
course of the nationwide restoration of Canaan was the tabernacle, which was
the symbolic body of the Messiah. Thus, even when the Israelite nation fell
into faithlessness, this tabernacle remained intact, standing on the foundation
of faith for the tabernacle, which Moses had set up by his 40-day fast. When
Moses, too, fell into faithlessness, it remained standing, centering on Joshua,
who continued to serve the will on the foundation for the tabernacle, which had
been established by Joshua's 40-day spying period to separate Satan on the
foundation of faith that Moses had set up.
However, the object of faith of the Jewish
people, in their course of the worldwide restoration of Canaan, was Jesus
himself, who came as the substantial body of the temple. When even his
disciples fell into disbelief, Jesus was forced to go the way of death, by
giving his physical body to the cross, as it was written, "As Moses lifted
up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up."
(John 3:14). In this way, the Jewish people lost their object of faith, both in
spirit and flesh. Therefore, they could not start their third course of the
worldwide restoration of Canaan directly as a substantial course. But the
Christians as the Second Israel started first a spiritual course, by setting up
the resurrected Jesus as their object of faith.
Here lies the reason Jesus said,
"Destroy this temple (Jesus himself), and in three days I will raise it
up." (John 2:19). The Lord will come and, succeeding the mission of Jesus,
he will accomplish, both spiritually and physically, the third course of the
worldwide restoration of Canaan, just as Joshua had accomplished the third
course of the nationwide restoration of Canaan, succeeding Moses' mission.
Seeing such a providential course of
restoration alone, we can well understand that unless the Lord would come again
in flesh, as in the time of Jesus, he cannot succeed and fulfill the purpose of
the providence of restoration which he intended to accomplish at the first
(i) The
Spiritual Foundation of Faith
Since the second course of the worldwide
restoration of Canaan ended in failure due to the Israelites' betrayal of
Jesus, the foundation of faith which Jesus had set up, through the 40-day fast
from the position of John the Baptist, was helplessly handed over to Satan.
Therefore, after giving his physical body to Satan, through the cross, Jesus
set up the spiritual foundation of separation from Satan by his 40-day
resurrection period, from the position of the spiritual mission-bearer of John
the Baptist. By doing this, he could restore the spiritual foundation of faith
for the spiritual course of the third worldwide restoration of Canaan. There
has not been even a single man, until today, who knew that this was the reason
the 40-day resurrection period was set up after Jesus' crucifixion. How then
did Jesus establish the spiritual foundation of faith?
God had been with the chosen nation of
Israel until the time when Jesus appeared as the Messiah. Nevertheless, from
the moment of their rebellion against Jesus, who appeared as the Messiah, God
was compelled to deliver them, His elect, into the hands of Satan. Thus, God,
together with His son, who was betrayed by the Israelites, had to abandon and
turn against His chosen nation. Nevertheless, God's purpose of sending the
Messiah was to save not only the chosen nation but also the whole of mankind.
Therefore, God intended to save the whole of mankind, even though He might have
to deliver Jesus into the hands of Satan. On the other hand, Satan tried to
kill one man, Jesus, the Messiah, even if he might have to hand over to God the
whole of mankind, including the chosen nation, which was now on his side. This
was because Satan thought that he could break the purpose of the whole providence
of God by killing the Messiah, for he knew that the first purpose of God's
4,000-year providence of restoration had been to set up one man, the Messiah.
Thus, God finally handed Jesus over to Satan, as the condition of indemnity, in
order to save the whole of mankind, including the Jewish people, who turned
against Jesus, and were now on Satan's side.
Satan thus attained what he had intended
through the 4,000-year course of history, by crucifying Jesus, with the
exercise of his maximum power. God, who thus handed over Jesus into Satan's
hands, could, at that price, set up the condition to save the whole of mankind,
including the Israelites.
How, then, did God come to be able to save
sinful men? Since Satan had killed Jesus by exercising his maximum power, the
position for God now to exercise His maximum power was created, according to
the principle of restoration through indemnity. The exercise of maximum power
on God's part was to bring the dead back to life, while that of Satan was to
kill man. Here God exercised His maximum power as the condition of indemnity
against Satan's act of killing Jesus through the exercise of his maximum power,
and He brought Jesus back to life. By grafting the whole of mankind into the
resurrected Jesus (Rom. 11:24) and giving them rebirth, God intended to save
all mankind.
As we well know through the Bible, Jesus
after the resurrection was not the same Jesus who had lived with his disciples
before his crucifixion. He was no longer a man seen through physical eyes,
because he was a being transcendent of time and space. He once suddenly
appeared in a closed room where his disciples were gathered (John 20:19), while
in another instance he appeared before two disciples going to Emmaus, and
accompanied them for a long distance. But their eyes were kept from recognizing
Jesus, who appeared, would again disappear suddenly. Jesus, in order to save
mankind, had established the spiritual foundation of faith through the 40-day
resurrection period to separate Satan, after giving up his physical body to the
cross as a sacrifice. By doing this, he pioneered the way for the redemption of
the sins of all men.
(ii) The
Spiritual Foundation of Substance
Jesus, by establishing the spiritual
40-day foundation to separate Satan through resurrection, from the position of
the spiritual mission-bearer of John the Baptist, could then restore the
spiritual foundation of faith from the position of a spiritual parent. At the
same time, he also established the position of a spiritual Abel in setting up
the worldwide condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature from the
position of a spiritual child. Thus, Jesus could establish a spiritual
foundation of faith for the third worldwide restoration of Canaan, just as
Moses could establish the foundation of faith for the third nationwide
restoration of Canaan, by going through the indemnity period of the 40-year
wandering in the wilderness while leading the Israelites.
At the time of Moses, God worked His
"providence for the start" by having him establish the foundation for
the tabernacle. However the resurrected Jesus worked the "providence for
the start" by gathering his disciples, scattered in Galilee, and giving
them the power to perform miracles and signs, since he himself was the
spiritual substantial body of the tablets of stone, tabernacle, and the ark
(Matt. 28:16-20).
Now, the saints in the position of Cain
came to restore the spiritual foundation of substance by setting up the
spiritual condition of indemnity to remove the fallen nature, through their
believing, serving, and following the resurrected Jesus, who was spiritually in
the position of Abel, as the spiritual mission-bearer of John the Baptist.
(iii) The
Spiritual Foundation to Receive the Messiah
After Jesus' crucifixion, the remaining
eleven disciples scattered in utter helplessness. Jesus, after his
resurrection, gathered them again in one place and started his new providence
of the spiritual restoration of Canaan. The disciples chose Matthias in place
of Judas Iscariot to fill the number of 12 disciples, and believed, served, and
followed the resurrected Jesus, thus establishing the spiritual foundation of
substance. By doing this, they could restore the spiritual foundation to
receive the Messiah.
On this foundation, Jesus could establish
the position of the spiritual Messiah from the position of spiritual
mission-bearer of John the Baptist and restore the Holy Spirit. By doing this,
he became the spiritual True Parent and came to perform the work of rebirth.
That is, as it is written in the Bible (Acts. 2:1-4), after the advent of the
Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the resurrected Jesus became the spiritual True
Father and, working in oneness with the Holy Spirit as the spiritual True
Mother, spiritually grafted saints to them, thus beginning the work of
spiritual rebirth. By doing this, Jesus could accomplish the providence of
spiritual salvation (cf. Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. I, 4--147). Consequently, in the
sphere of the resurrected Jesus, Satan's spiritual condition for accusation was
completely liquidated, and thus, spiritually, this became a sphere inviolable
by Satan.
Fallen man's physical salvation would
remain unaccomplished, though he may in faith become one with Jesus, because
his body is still in the position of being invaded by Satan, just like Jesus
himself. However, if we believe in the resurrected Jesus, we will be with Jesus
spiritually in the sphere inviolable by Satan, and thus we will be able to
accomplish spiritual salvation free from the spiritual condition of accusation
by Satan.
(iv) The
Spiritual Restoration of Canaan
Christians could accomplish only the
spiritual restoration of Canaan by believing and serving Jesus, who came to
stand as the spiritual Messiah, on the spiritual foundation to receive the
Messiah. Thus the physical bodies of the saints, who were in the sphere of
grace for the spiritual restoration of Canaan, stood in the same position as
the physical body of Jesus, invaded by Satan through the cross. Therefore, they
were being invaded by Satan, just as in the time before the coming of Jesus,
with original sin still remaining in them (Rom. 7:25). Naturally, the saints also
had to go through the course of separating from Satan again for the Second
Advent of the Lord (cf. Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. I, 4--147).
The ideal of the tabernacle in the
nationwide course of the restoration of Canaan, through which God worked His
providence centering on Moses, came now to be realized on the worldwide base
centering on the spiritual temple of the resurrected Jesus. Since the ideal of
the mercy seat was realized through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, God
could appear and speak. Thus, in the mercy seat, where God's words were heard,
the cherubim that had blocked the way since the fall of the first human
ancestors would be put aside, so that one might enter the ark to meet Jesus,
the Tree of Life, to eat the manna given by God, and to manifest the power of
God represented by Aaron's rod that budded (Heb. 9:4-5). In this way, we can
understand that the crucifixion of Jesus and the Second Advent was not a
determined providence, when seen through Moses' course.
(2) The
Course of the Substantial Restoration of Canaan Centering on the Lord of the
Second Advent
We have discussed why God's chosen people
started the third course of the worldwide restoration of Canaan as a spiritual
course, not being able to start it as a substantial course as they had done in
their third course of the nationwide restoration of Canaan. The spiritual
providence of the third worldwide restoration of Canaan, which they started on
the spiritual foundation for the Messiah, by believing and obeying Jesus, the
spiritual Messiah, has today broadened its spiritual territory, on a worldwide
basis, after having passed the 2,000-year course of history.
Just as Joshua, who substituted for Moses
in the spiritual course of the restoration of Canaan, accomplished the
nationwide restoration of Canaan by going through the substantial course, so
the Lord of the Second Advent has to realize the earthly Kingdom of God, by
coming to walk the spiritual course of the restoration of Canaan as a
substantial course, and by accomplishing the worldwide restoration of Canaan.
In this manner, the Lord of the Second Advent, who is to realize the same
Kingdom of God on earth as God intended to realize substantially at the time of
Jesus, must be born on earth as a substantial man in flesh (cf. Part I, Ch. 7,
Sec. II, 2--209).
The Lord of the Second Advent must restore
through indemnity the providential course of restoration left unachieved at the
time of the first coming. Therefore, just as Jesus had to walk the bitter
course of the spiritual providence of restoration, due to the faithlessness of
the Jewish people, the Lord must restore through indemnity the spiritual course
of tribulation, this time substantially in flesh, if and when Christians, the
Second Israel, should fall into faithlessness. Jesus said, "But first he
[Christ] must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation."
(Luke 17:25).
Therefore, just as Jesus form the time of
his coming onwards, had to walk anew on his spiritual course of providence by
abandoning the First Israel of God's summons and by setting up Christians as
his second chosen nation, the Lord of the Second Advent, may have to achieve
the providential course, substantially, by abandoning the Christians of the
second summons, and calling anew the Third Israel, if the Christians should
fall into faithlessness. If, at the Second Advent, the heralds, coming with the
mission of John the Baptist (John 1:23), to make his way straight should fail
in carrying out their mission, just as at the first coming, the Lord of the Second
Advent himself must establish substantially the foundation of faith for the
third providence of the worldwide restoration of Canaan from the position of
John the Baptist, thus having to walk the path of tribulation.
However bitter a way he may walk, the Lord
of the Second Advent will never come to die, not fulfilling the providence of
restoration, as in the time of Jesus. This is because God's providence to
fulfill His purpose of creation, through the True Parents of mankind, has come
down from Adam through Jesus, to the Lord of the Second Advent, and in the
third instance, the providence will not fail to be realized. Further, as will
be later discussed (cf. Part II, Ch. 6, Sec. IV--532), the spiritual providence
of restoration for the 2,000 years after Jesus has achieved the age of
democracy in order to create the society beneficial for the providence. Jesus
was killed after being branded as a rebel against Judaism, but in the
democratic society at the Second Advent, the Lord cannot walk the path of death,
even though he may be bitterly persecuted as a heretic.
Therefore, however difficult a way the
Lord of the Second Advent may walk, there will gather saints believing and
serving him absolutely on the substantial foundation of faith which he will
establish; and it will be certain that they will be able to set up the
substantial foundation to receive the Messiah by setting up the foundation of
substance, for the sake of the substantial course of the third worldwide
restoration of Canaan.
In the third nationwide course of the
restoration of Canaan, at the time of Moses, God was to work His
"providence for the start", centering on the rock. At the time of
Joshua, He worked His "providence for the start", centering on the
water, which was more internal than the rock. In a like manner, Jesus worked
the "providence for the start" by the miracles and signs at the first
coming, but at the Second Advent, Christ will work the "providence for the
start", centering on the Word, which is internal. That is because, as discussed
earlier (cf. Part I, Ch. 3, Sec. III, 2--113), man, who was created by the Word
(John 1:3), failed to accomplish the purpose of the Word due to the fall. God,
who has been working His providence of restoration by setting up the external
condition of the Word, in order to accomplish the purpose of the Word, must
send Christ, who is the substance of the Word (John 1:14), at the close of
providential history, and must work His providence of salvation, centering on
the Word.
When we see God's purpose of creation,
centering on the connection of heart, God, as the spiritual Parent, created men
as His substantial children. Adam and Eve, who were created first as the
substantial objects in the image and likeness of God's dual essentialities, are
God's first substantial objects and the first parents of mankind. Thus, by
joining as husband and wife and multiplying children, they should have
established a family connected and united in the hearts of the parents, couple,
and children representing parental love, conjugal love and children's love.
This is truly the four position foundation which has realized the three
objective purposes (cf. Part I, Ch. 1, Sec. II, 3--31).
In this manner, God intended to establish
the Kingdom of God on earth, with His children of direct descent. However, as
discussed in the "Fall of Man", all men, due to the first human
ancestor's blood relationship with the archangel Lucifer, have become the
children of the devil, inheriting Satan's blood lineage (Matt. 3:7, 23:33, John
8:44). Thus, the first human ancestors fell into a position in which they were
cut off from the lineage of God, and this is the fall (cf. Part I, Ch. 2--65).
Therefore, the purpose of God's providence
of restoration is to restore the fallen men who were cut off from the lineage
of God and to set them up as the children of God's direct line. Let us find out
God's secret of the providence of restoration in the Bible.
As was previously discussed, Adam's
family, which was so degraded as to commit murder, was cut off from a relationship
with God. At the time of Noah the direct relationship with God could not be
restored, due to the failure of Ham, the second son, who was in the position of
Abel. However, man could stand in the position of the slave of slaves (Gen.
9:25), because there was the foundation of Noah's loyalty. Thus, man could have
an indirect relationship with God. This was the actual relationship of God and
man in the period before the Old Testament Age.
In his own time Abraham, the father of
faith, could set up God's elect by establishing the family-level foundation to
receive the Messiah. Thus, for the first time, the position of God's servant
was restore (Lev. 25:55). This was the relationship of God and man in the Old
Testament Age. After the coming of Jesus, his disciples, who stood on the
foundation of faith which he had established from the position of John the
Baptist, were for the first time restored from the position of servants of the
Old Testament Age to the position of adopted children. In order for them to
become children of God's direct lineage, they had to establish the foundation
of substance in absolute obedience to Jesus; and by grafting (Rom. 11:17)
themselves both spiritually and physically into Jesus, who stood on that
foundation, they had to become one body with him.
Jesus came as the Son of God, without
original sin, from God's direct lineage, and by making the whole of fallen
mankind into one body by engrafting them to him, he was to restore them to be
the children of God's direct lineage, having removed the original sin. Jesus
and the Holy Spirit came as the spiritual True Parents to make men restore
their lineal connection with God, as endowed at the creation, by having the
fallen men remove their original sin by engrafting them to themselves. We call
the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit "Rebirth" (cf. Part I, Ch. 7,
Sec. IV--213). Therefore, we must know that Jesus came as the center, the true
olive tree, in order to engraft fallen men, who are the branches of wild olive
trees, to himself.
Nevertheless, even his disciples fell into
faithlessness, and so, Jesus was crucified in the position of John the Baptist,
without being able to perform the duties of the Messiah. In this way, the
resurrected Jesus had established the spiritual foundation of faith through the
40-day resurrection period to separate Satan, set up from the position of the
spiritual John the Baptist. After that the spiritual foundation of substance
was set up by the faith and loyalty of his disciples, who returned to him in
repentance; and hence, the spiritual foundation to receive the Messiah was
established for the first time. Finally, on that spiritual foundation the
saints came to stand as spiritual children by being spiritually engrafted to
Jesus, who stands as the spiritual Messiah. This has been the relationship of
God and fallen men, according to the spiritual providence of restoration after
Jesus, up to the present moment. Therefore, fallen men can as yet stand only as
spiritual objects of God, because the spiritual providence of restoration after
Jesus has been to restore the spirit world first, just as God had created the
spirit world first. Accordingly, however devout a Christian may be, since he
has not been able to liquidate original sin coming down through the flesh, no
difference is found between him and the saints of the Old Testament Age in
light of their both not having been able to remove themselves from the lineage
of Satan (cf. Part I, Ch. 4, Sec. I, 4--147). Christians are at best adopted
sons before God, because they are children of a different lineage. For that
very reason, Paul said:
Not only the creation, but we ourselves,
who have the first fruits of the spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption
as sons... (Rom. 8:23)
Therefore, the Lord of the Second Advent
must come to restore the whole of mankind to be children of God's direct
lineage. Consequently, he must be born on earth, in flesh, as Jesus was. By so
doing he must restore through indemnity the course of Jesus, by walking it
again. Therefore, the Lord of the Second Advent must establish substantially,
the foundation to receive the Messiah, according to the "providence for
the start", centering on the Word; and by engrafting the whole of mankind
both spiritually and physically on this foundation, he must restore them to be
children of God's direct lineage, having removed the original sin.
Jesus established the family-level
foundation by setting up twelve apostles centering on the three main ones, and
then broadened it to the tribe-level foundation by setting up the 70 disciples,
in order to restore through indemnity the position of Jacob, who had been the
central figure of the family-level foundation for the Messiah. In the same
manner, the Lord of the Second Advent, must also restore the foundation to
receive the Messiah substantially, starting from family level, and gradually
broadening it to tribal level, racial level, national level, world level and
then to the cosmic level. On that foundation, he must finally be able to
establish the Kingdom of heaven on earth.
God, by setting up the chosen nation of
the First Israel, prepared the base for Jesus to come and fulfill rapidly the
purpose of erecting the Kingdom of Heaven, but due to their rebellion, He had
to set up anew the Christians as the Second Israel. Likewise, if the
Christians, who have been set up as the Second Israel for the ideal of the
erection of the Kingdom of Heaven by the Lord of the Second Advent, should also
turn again him, God will be compelled to abandon His elect of the Second Israel
and choose anew His elect of the Third Israel. Therefore, Christians of the
Last Days, like the Jewish people of the days of Jesus, are situated in very
blessed circumstances, but on the other hand, are in the position where they
are liable to become very miserable.
4. Lessons learned from Jesus' Course
First, in this case, God showed us what
His predestination of His will was like. God always predestines His will to be
absolutely fulfilled in the end. When John the Baptist failed to accomplish his
mission, Jesus himself, who came as the Messiah, intended to fulfill the will
even by substituting for John. Since the earthly Kingdom of Heaven was not
realized due to faithlessness of the Jewish people, Christ will come again to
fulfill this will.
In the next place, God showed us that His
predestination concerning the fulfillment of the will, centering on a certain
individual or nation of His elect, is not absolute, but relative. That is to
say, though God may have set up a certain individual or a nation to fulfill the
purpose of His providence of restoration, He would set up a new mission-bearer
to succeed in the work, if the former should fail to carry out his portion of
responsibility. Jesus had chosen John the Baptist as his main disciple, but
when he failed to carry out his responsibility, Jesus chose Peter in his place.
In another case, he chose Judas Iscariot as one of his 12 disciples, but when
Judas failed to fulfill his responsibility, Jesus chose Matthias in his place
(Acts 1:26). In a like manner, God chose the Jewish people to fulfill the
purpose of His providence of restoration, but when they failed to carry out
their responsibility, He shifted the mission to the Gentiles (Acts 13:46, Matt.
21:33-43). In this way, even though God may have chosen a certain man to
fulfill His will, He can never absolutely predestine the fulfillment of the
will centering on any one person.
Third, God showed us that He does not
interfere with man's own portion of responsibility, but dominates only its
result. When John the Baptist or Judas Iscariot fell into faithlessness, it was
not that God did not know it nor that He was unable to stop it, but He did not
interfere at all with their faith, but dominated only the result of their
Finally, God showed us that the greater
the mission of the person, the more bitter the trial facing him. Since Adam
turned against God in faithlessness, Jesus, who came as the second Adam, in
order to fulfill the purpose of the providence of restoration, had to restore
through indemnity the position before the fall by showing good faith, from the
position where he is abandoned by God in place of Adam. Therefore, Jesus had to
go through Satan's temptations in the wilderness, and had to suffer on the
cross, completely abandoned by God (Matt. 27:46).
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