Chapter Introduction to Restoration
Section 2
The Course of the Providence of Restoration
2.1 The Ages in the Course of the Providence of Restoration
Let us now present an overview of the entire course of history since the
time of Adam, as reckoned in the Bible and survey the providential Ages, which
comprise it.
providence to have fallen people establish the foundation upon which they could
receive the Messiah, and thence complete the purpose of creation, began with
Adam’s family.
God’s Will was frustrated when Cain murdered Abel. Ten generations later, the
unfulfilled Will was passed down to Noah’s family. God judged the evil world
with the flood in order to set apart Noah’s family and conduct the providence
of restoration. God intended to complete the providence
by establishing the foundation for the Messiah in Noah’s family and sending the
Messiah on that basis. Yet due to the fallen act of Noah’s second son,
Ham, the providence for Noah’s family and the ark failed. As a consequence, the
ten generations and the forty-day flood which God had set up to prepare for
this providence were lost to Satan.
four hundred years had passed in order to restore through indemnity what had
been lost to Heaven’s side, God’s Will was entrusted to Abraham. If Abraham had
established the foundation for the Messiah on the family level exactly as God
had intended, the foundation would have expanded to the national level, and
thereupon the Messiah would have come. However, because Abraham failed in the symbolic
offering, God’s Will was frustrated once more. Consequently,
the biblical two thousand years from Adam to Abraham, during which God had
sought a father of faith who could receive the Messiah, was claimed by Satan.
Yet Abraham’s situation differed from that of Noah.
Abraham failed in the symbolic offering, the family foundation for the Messiah
was eventually fulfilled through the three generations of Abraham’s family:
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. On that basis, God multiplied the chosen people in
Egypt and expanded the foundation for the Messiah to the national level. For
this reason, Abraham is called the father of faith.
we judge the significance of the age strictly by its outcome, we can understand
that the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham was for the purpose of
finding one father of faith who could lay the foundation to begin the
providence of restoration. Thus, God’s work of restoration can be said to have
begun with Abraham.
However, due to Abraham’s mistake in making the symbolic offering, the
two thousand years from Adam to Abraham were lost to Satan.
a period had to be set up in which those lost years could be restored through
indemnity to God’s side; this is the significance of the two-thousand-year
period from Abraham to Jesus.
- If Abraham had not failed in making the symbolic offering, the Messiah would have come and stood upon the national foundation for the Messiah built by Abraham’s immediate descendants, and the providence of restoration would have been completed at that time.
- Likewise, had the Jewish people believed in and attended Jesus, they would have supported him to stand representing the nation as the living sacrifice before God. They then would have laid the national foundation for the Messiah. Jesus, standing as the Messiah on that foundation, could then have completed the providence of restoration.
However, just as Abraham failed in his symbolic offering, the Jewish people
failed to make their offering on the national level when their leaders sent Jesus
to the cross.
a period of two thousand years, this time from Abraham to Jesus—was lost yet
again to Satan. As a consequence, a parallel period had to be set up in which
the earlier two-thousand-year period could be restored through indemnity to
God’s side. This is the significance of the two-thousand-year period from Jesus’
time until today. During this age, founded upon the cross of Jesus, Christians
must establish the worldwide foundation for the Messiah.
2.2 Categorization of the Ages in the Course of the Providence of
ages in the course of the providence of restoration show the progressive
development of God’s providence. They may be categorized according to six
2.2.1 The Ages categorized with Reference to God’s Word
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, people had not yet
fulfilled sufficient indemnity conditions to receive God’s Word directly. At
most, fallen people made indemnity conditions through offering sacrifices; but
in doing so, they laid the foundation for the next period when God could begin
to work His providence of restoration based on the Word. Hence, this period is
called the age of the providence to lay the foundation for the Word.
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, humanity’s
spirituality and intellect developed to the formation stage based on the Word
revealed in the Old Testament. Hence, this period is called the formation stage
of the providence, or the Old Testament Age.
During the two-thousand-year period from Jesus until the Second Coming,
humanity’s spirituality and intellect developed to the growth stage based on
the Word revealed in the New Testament. Hence, this period is called the growth
stage of the providence, or the New Testament Age.
During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after
the Second Coming of Christ, humanity’s spirituality and intellect are to
develop through the completion stage based on the Completed Testament Word,
which will be given for the fulfillment of the providence of restoration.
Hence, this period is called the completion stage of the providence, or the
Completed Testament Age.
2.2.2 The Ages categorized with Reference to God’s Work of Resurrection
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, people offered
sacrifices to lay the foundation to commence the Old Testament Age, when God
would begin His work of resurrection. Hence, this period is called the age of the
providence to lay the foundation for resurrection.
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, people could be
resurrected to the form-spirit level based on the Old Testament Word and the
merit of the age in the providence of restoration. Hence, this period is called
the age of the providence of formation-stage resurrection.
During the two-thousand year period from Jesus to the Second Advent, people
could be resurrected to the life-spirit level based on the New Testament Word
and the merit of the age in the providence of restoration. Hence, this period
is called the age of the providence of growth-stage resurrection.
During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after
the Second Coming of Christ, people are to be fully resurrected to the
divine-spirit level based on the Completed Testament Word and the merit of the
age in the providence of restoration. Hence, this period is called the age of
the providence of completion-stage.
2.2.3 The Ages categorized with reference to the Providence to restore
through indemnity the lost Periods of Faith
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, God laid the
foundation for the Old Testament Age. Although this period was lost to Satan,
God, by raising up Abraham, could commence the Old Testament Age, in which He
would restore this first period through indemnity. Hence, this period is called
the Age of the Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration (through
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, God restored through
indemnity the previous period of two thousand years—lost to Satan due to
Abraham’s mistake in the symbolic offering, by working predominantly through
the people of Israel. Hence, this period is called the Age of the Providence of
Restoration (through indemnity).
During the two-thousand-year period from Jesus to the Second Advent, God has
been restoring through indemnity the Old Testament Age, lost to Satan due to
Jesus’ crucifixion—by working predominantly through Christianity. Hence, this
period is called the Age of the Prolongation of the Providence of Restoration
(through indemnity).
During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after
the Second Coming of Christ, God will work to restore through indemnity the
entire course of the providence of restoration, which has been lost to Satan.
Hence, this period is called the Age for Completing the Providence of
Restoration (through indemnity).
2.2.4 The ages categorized with reference to the expanding scope of the
Foundation for the Messiah
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, God laid the family
foundation for the Messiah by raising up Abraham’s family on the condition of
the sacrifices they offered. Hence, this period is called the age of the
providence to lay the family foundation for the Messiah.
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, God worked to lay
the national foundation for the Messiah by raising up Israel based on the Old
Testament Word. Hence, this period is called the age of the providence to lay
the national foundation for the Messiah.
During the two-thousand-year period from Jesus to the Second Advent, God has
been laying the worldwide foundation for the Messiah by raising up worldwide
Christianity based on the New Testament Word. Hence, this period is called the
age of the providence to lay the worldwide foundation for the Messiah.
During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after
the Second Coming of Christ, God will complete the cosmic foundation for the
Messiah by working throughout heaven and earth based on the Completed Testament
Word. Hence, this period is called the age of the providence to complete the
cosmic foundation for the Messiah.
2.2.5 The ages categorized with reference to Responsibility
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, God laid the
foundation upon which to conduct His providence in the subsequent Old Testament
Age, a providence, which was to be fulfilled by God shouldering the
responsibility. Hence, this period is called the age of the providence to lay
the foundation for God’s responsibility.
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, God took
responsibility as the Creator of human beings and carried out the providence of
restoration at the formation stage. God worked with the prophets and personally
shouldered the first responsibility to defeat Satan. Hence, this period is
called the age of the providence based on God’s responsibility.
During the two-thousand-year period from Jesus to the Second Advent, Jesus and
the Holy Spirit, who assumed the missions of Adam and Eve, have conducted the
providence of restoration at the growth stage. Jesus and the Holy Spirit have
shouldered the second responsibility to defeat Satan as they work to restore
fallen people. Hence, this period is called the age of the providence based on
Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s responsibility.
During the period when the providence of restoration is to be completed after
the Second Coming of Christ, the people of faith on earth and in heaven are to
bear the third responsibility to defeat Satan, the fallen archangel, and
complete the providence of restoration. They are to achieve this in accordance
with the Principle of Creation, which lays out the way for human beings to gain
the qualification to rule the angels. Hence, this period is called the age of
the providence based on the believers’ responsibility.
2.2.6 The Ages categorized with reference to the Parallels in the Providence
During the two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham, the foundation for
the Messiah was restored by fulfilling parallel indemnity conditions of a
symbolic type. Hence, this period is called the age of symbolic parallels.
During the two-thousand-year period from Abraham to Jesus, the foundation for
the Messiah was restored by fulfilling parallel indemnity conditions of an
image type. Hence, this period is called the age of image parallels.
During the two-thousand-year period from Jesus to the Second Advent, the
foundation for the Messiah has been restored by fulfilling parallel indemnity
conditions of a substantial type. Hence, this period is called the age of
substantial parallels.
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